Tibetan Reiki

Tibetan Reiki

Tibetan Reiki is a means by which it is possible to tap into a certain kind of energy. This is often done with the intention of healing physical, emotional, and mental illnesses.

Many Tibetan Reiki and/or similar eastern practices are said to be over 4000 years old. The science of this way of healing was found in Tibet. However, it also is found in India. And incidentally Mikao usui rediscovered Reiki in about 1850.

Eventually the concept of Reiki was introduced to the western world, and Hawayo takata is responsible for that. The trend continues to be spread all around the world.

It’s Purpose

The purpose of Tibetan Reiki is to add energy where the energy is most needed. In the process, a balance is restored in the body. In other words, the depleted energies are restored. Reiki is an alternative health tool that promotes increased health, well-being, wellness, vitality and longevity.

The Effect

Some versions of Tibetan Reiki are more powerful than others. And the more power a Reiki master holds during an attunement, the more powerful the attunement.

The more you use it and receive it, the more noticeable of results you will experience. The main reason for this is that Reiki is a simple yet profound healing system. The process and power of Reiki can be more deeply understood with treatment recommended by a medical practitioner.

More Tibetan Reiki expected results are shown below:

  • Reiki balances individuals on all levels. It not only addresses the physical body but also the emotional, mental, and spiritual body as well.
  • This type of meditation is taught in a unique way that differs from the way in which most healing arts are learned.
  • Reiki is a type of meditation that is known to reach deep down to the root of a situation.
  • Everyone has a natural ability to work with Reiki. However, the use of the right teacher is what can most help an individual.
  • This type of therapy is established as an alternative and complementary medicine.


As a person learns the Reiki process he or she needs to become aware of all aspects of this practice. It should be used carefully in a positive and safe way. If it cannot be used that way then it should not be used at all.

If you are considering the use of this type of meditation and energy-producing practice then you should learn as much about it as possible. On the other hand, anyone who tries out Tibetan Reiki should know that the ability to utilize this healing practice is not dependent on how smart or spiritual a person is.

Useful References



Tibetan Herbs

Tibetan Herbs

Tibetan herbs are plant sources used for therapy. Many of them are derived mainly from the ayurvedic system.

Some of the ones used most commonly include peppers, cumin, cardamom, clove, ginger, and other hot spices. These along with local aromatics such as saussurea and musk are often mixed in special formulas.

One focus of the Tibetan herbal therapy system is the emphasis of astringent herbs. This is done to make an attempt to conserve body fluids and alleviate any inflammation of the mucous membranes.

Example Herbs

The chebulic myrobalan is considered one of the primary (a.k.a. the “king”) herbs of Tibetan medicine. It is considered an astringent herb. This one is very significant because it is said to possess all the tastes, properties, and effects of different fruits.

Other herbs that are used quite a bit include the following: rhodiola and Hippophae. These are often blended with sandalwood, saussurea, carthamus, bamboo, terminalia, licorice; geranium, emblica, gentiana, inula, and/or grapes.

Other examples of Tibetan herbs include terminalia chebula, which is used for eczema and emblica officinalis, which is used to treat hypertension. Tibetan medicine combines herbs for to produce results similar to that generated by using TCM herbal blends.

The Six Tastes

The Tibetan herbs classification system is probably unique to that of other schools of herbal therapy. These are typically grouped according to six tastes. Three of the tastes include the following: acrid (spicy), bitter and astringent. Examples of herbs in this classification include ginger, beriberis and sandalwood.

Sweet, sour, and salty are the other three groups of tastes. This encompasses a wide variety of popular herbs used for all kinds of healing purposes.

The Eight Properties

Heavy, cool, smooth, soft, light, rough, acrid, and sharp are the eight main properties of Tibetan medicine. The heavy, cool, smooth, soft, are ones that combat what is typically called ‘chiba.’ The light, rough, acrid, and sharp are often used to combat peigen.

The Seventeen Effects

The seventeen effects of herbs include as follows: cold, hot, warm, cool, thick, thin, moist, rough, light, heavy, steady, motive, blunt, sharp, tender, dry, and soft. The distinction of the different effects of herbs helps easier make a way to treat any and all diseases.

Tibetan herbalists further consider the eight properties along with the seventeen effects of herbs. These are all mixed together in unique combinations to create a very powerful treatment for people.

Expected Results

Tibetan herbs are designed to give you fast relief of many common ailments. The real difference is in the method of approach, which is far different than that of traditional medicine.

Many modern medicines address the symptoms and not the causes of diseases. These herbs are designed to alleviate the cause, thus relieving the symptom.

Useful References

Tibetan Healing

Tibetan Healing

Kunye message dates back some centuries. It was used in the Himalayan regions. This type of message has relaxation and healing qualities.

Tibetan medicine is used as a way to bring the various elements of the body into balance. This is accomplished by using various types of progressive treatment.

What you see below is not necessarily a full explanation. It is rather an introduction that hopefully you can find useful.


These four different types of treatment include as follows: Diet, lifestyle, medicine and therapy. Diet and lifestyle both involve changes in the type of foods we eat and behaviors we engage in.

Only when these two methods prove ineffective is the physician advised to prescribe medicine and therapy. External therapies can broadly be summarized under two types: mild and drastic therapies.

Mild therapies are more generally practiced in Tibetan medicine as they are easily administered. It is these mild therapies that have direct beneficial results.

Mild therapies include massage, fomentation, heat compress, and medicinal bath therapy. The drastic therapies that one may encounter while involved in Tibetan medicine often involve usage of an emetic (vomit-inducing therapy).

More Explanation

One type of mild therapy used in Tibetan medicine is the Kunye message therapy. Certain oils are used while specific nerves and tendons are very carefully and strategically rubbed.

Another very popular mild therapy method is fomentation. This is the use of a warm, moist medicinal compress. It is one that is used to help relieve pain.

Fomentation may be possibly used in conjunction with the medicinal compress. Perhaps another form of therapy that is very related that would be helpful is the medicinal bath therapy.



Nature of the Treatment

The real difference between Tibetan and other medicinal practices of course is in the method of approach. Unlike many modern medicine practices, the Tibetan healing approaches causes of a problem rather than just the surface symptoms of a problem.

In case you are wondering, it is the herbs that are designed to help alleviate the causes of certain ailments. As a result, the hope is that certain symptoms are relieved.

The persons who are usually involved in Tibetan healing and/or overseeing the creation of Tibetan herbs are qualified Tibetan doctors. This is to assure that when you choose to use natural remedies in the correct manner via a qualified professional, you are getting a good, equal, balance herbal blend.

Sources of Herbs

Some of the herbs used in Tibetan healing are primarily grown on the Tibetan border. For instance, they may be found in Walung, Nepal. However, some herbs must be brought in from other areas whereas some plants do not grow in, around, or near this locality.

Useful References

Tibetan Doctor

Tibetan Doctor

A qualified Tibetan doctor is usually the one who is involved in overseeing the treatment of various sicknesses, diseases, aches, and pains. They are also the ones who are usually responsible for the precise mixing of Tibetan herbs.

When you choose to use natural remedies in this manner, you are getting a good, equal, balance herbal blend. That is as long as you find your supply from an expert who knows what he or she is doing.


Some of the locations in the world where Tibetan doctors may operate include Tibet, Qinghai, Gansu, and Sichuan. Several thousands of medical professionals have been trained in recent decades in how to deal with Tibetan medicines.

There are also 57 hospitals of Tibetan medicine throughout China as well as 30 Tibetan medicine factories. The refugee community in Dharamsala has a medical college and there are several small manufacturers of Tibetan herb products.

These smaller manufacturers of specialized herbal concentrations are located throughout India and Nepal. These herbs are then used in many places throughout the Eastern as well as the Western half of the world.

About the Practice

Tibetan doctors of course practice what is called Tibetan medicine. Just like other traditional medical systems, this medicinal practice is highly complex.

In fact, today it is a blend of 2500 years of experience and learning. Knowledge gained is brought in from the medicinal practices used in Greece, China, and India.

As you may already know, much is involved in dealing with health and disease treatment. A vast number of modern pharmacologists, herb enthusiasts, and product developers have focused on specific herbal solutions.

Two of the primary herbs used include rhodiola and hippophae. These two very popular healing herbs have been used in remedies which have cured ailments of many people. These are mixed with many other solutions to create unique treatments.

Conditions Treated

A Tibetan doctor might be responsible for healing a variety of types of bone and join problems such as backaches or arthritis. They may also be responsible for helping with treating one of a variety of viral sicknesses, or even major cancers or illnesses.

There is, however, a fine line between what a Tibetan doctor is able to do legally. This is what often is learned when the proper herbal medicine training and medical schooling is received.

The Objective

A Tibetan doctor helps those who may not otherwise find a solution to a certain problem. In this the challenge is that finding natural remedies that work can often be a problem.

However, in many cases it can be done. Part of this is in finding balance by using the five cosmic elements and three basic energies.

Useful References

Tibetan Diet

Tibetan Diet

The Tibetan diet has long been considered since it is very healthy. Some Tibetan foods you may have heard of include the very famous Balep korkun , which is a central Tibetan flatbread.

What is significant about this rather simple but tasty food item is that it is cooked on a skillet rather than in an oven. Sha Balep is another tasty and popular choice, and this is bread stuffed with seasoned beef.

Prepared Sides and Dishes

The Tibetan diet is quite distinct from that of its neighbors since only a few crops (not including rice) grow at such high altitude. The most important crop is barley, and incidentally a type of flour is often milled from roasted barley.

This flour is called tsampa and it is the staple food of Tibet. Balep is Tibetan bread eaten for breakfast or even for lunch.

Thukpa is another dish that is mainly consumed for dinner. It is made of noodles, vegetables and meat in broth. Tibetan thukpas oftentimes is made with pasta made into different shapes

Some other main Tibetan meat dishes are likely to be made from the following: Yak, goat, or mutton. They are often dried or cooked in a spicy stew with potatoes.

Mustard seed is cultivated in Tibet, and therefore features heavily in its cuisine. Yoghurt, butter and cheese are often eaten at meals.

A special treat that is had sometimes is well-prepared yoghurt. This is considered somewhat of a luxury item, a gourmet snack if you will.

It should be noted that sheep or lamb was also very popular in Tibet. Many traditional and modern recipes have been created from it.

Additional Dishes

Another favorite dish in the Tibetan diet is Momos. This is a type of steamed dumpling, which is a heavier version of the Chinese jiaozi.

Thenthuk is also on the menu frequently in homes or public establishments. This is a type of cold-weather soup. It is made with noodles and various vegetables.

A dish called Shab Tra, which is a stir-fried meat tossed with celery, carrots and fresh green chili, is also a very popular dish. It quite common as a matter of fact in many areas of Tibet.

In Closing

As you can see the Tibet diet includes a variety of foods. Many of the dishes eaten have plenty of servings of vegetables in them. The meat is often very lean as well. This is a sign of a very healthy menu.

Useful References

Intro to Tibetan Astrology and Astronomy Practices

Tibetan Astrology

The overall objective of Tibetan astrology and astronomy is to understand how the cosmos operate. The main objective is to help people understand how to benefit from its forces and transitions.

Understanding how to benefit from the universes forces and changes helps individuals live in union with one another. This is done in order to accomplish harmony in spite of the constant shifts and movements of which humans are an integral part.

It’s Purpose

Traditional Tibetan astrological readings help set a guideline for the future. It helps outline all possibilities and obstacles so that people understand all the information it can provide.

Insight is sought using Tibetan astrology and is used to learn more about relationships, partnerships, business, career, health, talents, spirituality and past. It also is used to help define present and possible future events.

This often is a part of the readings that are offered. This is where counsel and recommendations for appropriate courses of action are made.

This also is where antidotes are found that help alleviate or remove specific obstacles in a person’s life. After these readings are audio taped they are then sent with a copy of your Tibetan astrological chart.

Tibetan is skar-rtsis or star mathematics and byung-rtsis or elemental astrology. The overall aim of Tibetan astrology and astronomy, like modern sciences is to understand the cosmos.

The main objective is to understand how certain aspects of the universe operate. Another major intention of astrologists and/or astronomists is to understand how human beings can benefit.

This is done in order to help people learn to live in union with one another. This is accomplished while helping them to adjust to all the constant changes and movements of which humans are a part.

Tibetan Horoscope

There is a Tibetan astrology system used to cast a birth horoscope. It is known as the Kalachakra system, and is called Dhus Khor. This system makes use of eight heavenly bodies, but of which Kethu is not included.

Much like in western astrology, this horoscope system focuses on a person’s Sun Sign. However, it also focuses on the Ascendant Sign as well as the weekday of a person’s birth.

In addition to Kalachakra teachings there also is a secret tantric practice that is sometimes used. It is known as Yangchar (Shiva Sarodhaya Tantra), which means Arising Vowels.

The Kalachakra system has an Indian origin. However, it often is used along with the Tibetan astrology horoscope.

Useful References

Tibetan Acupuncture

Tibetan Acupuncture

Tibetan acupuncture is very similar to the acupuncture that is found and used in China. However, Tibetan acupuncture differs from the Chinese acupuncture.

The hugest difference is mainly in the use of different points and meridians on the body. In other words, the focus may not be in exactly the same places on the body in Tibetan acupuncture that would be in Chinese acupuncture.

A Typical Procedure

A typical Tibetan acupuncture session may last an average of 25 to 30 minutes. During this time needles are poked into significant places.

One of these is the shoulder, and another may be a place such as an elbow. There are often various places on the back or shoulder that might be addressed during this time.

Sometimes a person might attend several sessions. Each time perhaps the same area or a different one would be addressed.

According to some stories, patients undergoing Tibetan acupuncture felt better after even a first or second session. Results can even be felt and noticed even within a next day after a session, or especially after a second session.

To one person’s surprise, the individual felt 100% again after the third session. This is mainly because of the philosophy and concepts surrounding Tibetan Acupuncture. Some of this can be explained in the following section.

Some Concepts

Tibetan Acupuncture is one of the primary types of Traditional Tibetan Medicine. However, you should know that Tibetan acupuncture differs from the Chinese acupuncture in some ways. This can be explained further upon completion of more research.

To summarize for now, it is mainly in the use of different insertion points and meridians. Different opinions often surround where the needle points should be placed on the body. A person receiving Tibetan acupuncture treatments may have them placed on different points of the body in different places than someone who uses Chinese therapies of the same.

As far as addressing illnesses, it is believed that certain types of bodily ailments are a result of disruption of energy flow. It is acupuncture that can help restore the balance and harmony of a person’s body by stimulating points located along the energy meridians.

This is done by natural and holistic means of needs of addressing the body, mind and spirit, in an integrated way. This is often done using not only the Tibetan acupuncture but corresponding messages, meditations, and aromatherapy herbs.


Some of the main uses of acupuncture include relief of aches and pain and/or improvement of ongoing conditions. Abnormal results include infection, a severe side effect, or worsening of the condition being treated.

Useful References