Top 7 Home Remedies For Vaginitis


What is Vaginitis ?

Vaginitis can be described as an inflammation of the vagina and vulva. It is a fairly common problem with women. This can be avoided by taking proper treatment in the initial stages itself. But women usually tend to hide this problem.

Changes in the activity of the vaginal epithelium and in the vaginal secretion at different ages have a profound influence on the defense against vaginal infection. In the,adult, the normal vaginal moisture or secretion consists of mucous and discarded vaginal cells. This discharge generally causes no irritation, though the amount secreted and consistency vary. The variance is also due to the periodicity of the menstrual cycle and psychological conditions. Normal healthy women do not suffer from the sensations of itching, burning, pain or irritation.

In unhealthy women and in abnormal conditions the resident 6rganisms (bacteria) multiply rapidly and produce excessive waste products. It causes tissue irritation in this region leading to itching, swelling and burning. There is increase in the frequency or discharge of urine which is accompanied with an unpleasant odour

What are the symptoms of vaginitis ?

The symptoms of vaginitis are feeling of heat and fullness in the vagina, a dragging feeling in the groin, increased urinary frequency and vaginal discharge, that is, leucorrhoea. The clear or white secretion becomes purulent and yellow. The severity of leucorrhoea depends upon the degree of bacterial infection. Common signs and symptoms of vaginitis may include :-

What are the causes of vaginitis ?

Vaginitis has various causes. It may result from bacterial infections, fungal infection, protozoan infection, contact dermatitis or even an allergic reaction. The main causes of vaginitis are irritation of the vagina by external factors, like cuts, abrasions in this region, constant wearing of tight-fitting clothes and wearing unclean clothes, using dirty or infected water and lack of hygiene.

Certain medications and treatments can increase susceptibility to infection. These include the use of antibiotics, hormones and excessive douching. Susceptibility is greater in cases of pregnancy, diabetes, and certain psychological conditions as well as during the latter half of the menstrual cycle. Irritation from contraceptive devices can also lead to this condition.

What is the difference between the three types of vaginitis?

  • Bacterial – infection is caused when healthy vaginal organisms are replaced by harmful bacteria. It is referred to as bacterial vaginosis and is the most common type of vaginitis.
  • Yeast – infection is called candidiasis. It is caused by a fungus and is the second most common type of vaginitis.
  • Protozoan – infection is called trichomoniasis and it is considered a sexually transmitted disease (STD). It is the least common and comprises 3 percent to 5 percent of all vaginitis infections.

What causes Bacterial Vaginosis?

Bacterial vaginosis occurs when the natural balance of organisms in the vagina is changed. The healthy vagina normally contains a variety of bacteria. One type of “good” bacteria, Lactobacillus , is particularly important because it keeps the vagina slightly acidic to reduce the growth of potentially harmful organisms. When these bacteria are replaced with different kinds of “bad” bacteria, called anaerobic bacteria, an unpleasant vaginal odor develops and an infection (vaginitis) occurs.

Vaginitis Treatment

  1. Maintenance of hygienic conditions is the most important factor in the treatment of vaginitis. It is only after this is achieved that morbidity and consequent inflammation and discharge can be prevented.
  2. Another important factor is diet. The patient should be made to fast for three to five days. Depending upon the condition, the fasting period may be extended. During this period, she may take juices of lemon and other sub-acidic fruits. This will give the system an opportunity to divert its vital energies to check inflammation and infection.
  3. A decoction of the herb chebulic myrobalan has proved very useful for vaginal irritation and inflammation. It should be used as an external douche to wash the vulvar parts. When there is a thick white discharge, washing the part with a decoction made with neem leaves and chebulic myrobalan fruits will greatly help.
  4. A moderately prolonged cold hip bath accompanied with a hot foot bath is also helpful. The level of cold water must be 34 inches in height. The patient should sit in the tub in such a manner that legs remain out of the tub. This bath can be given for 20 to 30 minutes.
  5. Another mode of treatment considered beneficial is the wet girdle pack for about an hour. For this treatment, a thin cotton underwear and another thick or woolen underwear are required. The thin underwear should be wrung in cold water and worn by the patient. The thick dry underwear should be worn above the wet underwear. If the patient feels chill, she should be covered with a blanket. This treatment helps reduce inflammation.
  6. A cold douche on the perineal region for 10 to 16 minutes, twice a day helps reduce vaginitis. A mud pack on the abdomen for 10 minutes twice daily also helps reduce inflammation.
  7. Chromotherapy can also be used to treat this complaint. Blue light treatment given to the afflicted region for an hour accompanied with vaginal irrigation using green colored charged water helps reduce the infection.

Vaginitis Prevention Tips

  1. Avoid spreading bacteria from the rectum to the vagina by wiping front to back after going to the bathroom.
  2. Practice good hygiene by keeping the vaginal area clean using a mild soap and dry area well.
  3. Eat yogurt that contains active lactobacillus cultures. This sometimes may help reduce recurrent vaginal yeast infections. Lactobacillus is a type of “good” bacteria that’s common in your vagina.
  4. Avoid stress, which studies have shown to be a contributing factor for vaginitis.
  5. Practice safe sex and avoid multiple partners.

Useful References

Vaginal Discharge (Vaginal Irritation)

Vaginal Discharge

Alternative name : Vaginal irritation

One of the commonest women-specific complaints is vaginal discharge. Under normal healthy conditions, the vagina has some amount of secretion that helps keep the insides moist. At different times of the month, this secretion may be perceptible as a slight mucus discharge, or a white discharge. However, it is so little that it is not enough to stain the clothes or make one feel uncomfortable.

What are the Causes and Symptoms of Vaginal Discharge

Some increase in vaginal discharge takes place during excitement, sexual activity, masturbation, anxiety, in-between two periods, the day just before the period, in illness, or when one is in a rundown physical condition. Vaginal discharge is a problem if it increases so much in amount as to stain clothes daily, if it is purulent or bloodstained, or causes itching, soreness or a burning sensation in the area.

The vaginal epithelium is kept healthy by a natural commensal in the vaginal tract called doderlein bacillus. This keeps the pH acidic, which prevents infection from setting in. Washing oneself too often with medicated soaps and detergents changes the pH, making the vagina vulnerable to infection. Being ‘over clean’, with the excessive use of deodorants and chemically-treated compounds, is carrying a good thing too far. Fungal infections very easily take root under these conditions. However, there may also be mixed infection and some infection contacted from sexual partners.

Home Remedies For the Treatment of Vaginal Discharge

  1. Treat anemia or any other debilitating disorder in the body immediately.
  2. Eat healthy, nutritious food.
  3. Take care of personal hygiene.
  4. Crush an aloe leaf and extract two tablespoons of the juice. Have it thrice a day with honey for two weeks after the periods are over.
  5. Take a banana, slice it and add to it a tablespoon of fresh Indian gooseberry juice with a teaspoon of honey. Have this daily for a few days.
  6. Eat banana flowers cooked as a vegetable, or a tablespoon of the juice of the flowers with a tablespoon of palm candy for a few days.
  7. Wash and dry Indian gooseberry roots. Powder and store. Whenever there is a problem of menorrhagia or vaginal discharge, take a teaspoon of this powder, and boil it in a cup of water to make a decoction. Add sugar to taste and drink it on an empty stomach for 2-3 days.
  8. For fungal infections of the vagina, when the discharge is ‘curdy’ white, like cheesy precipitate, with burning and pain, along with the douche suggested earlier, eat a cupful of fresh yoghurt every day.
  9. Soak a tablespoon of crushed peepul-tree bark in half a liter of hot water at night. Next morning filter it and use as a douche.
  10. Make a vaginal douche by boiling half a tablespoon each of the dry, pounded bark of the fig and the banyan tree in a liter of water for five minutes. Let it cool to a bearable temperature and use it as a vaginal douche.
  11. Take a tablespoonful of the dried rind of pomegranate. Boil it in half a liter of water. Strain and use as a vaginal douche.
  12. Make a paste of ripe phyllanthus amarus leaves or fruit. Have two teaspoonful with a glass of buttermilk. If this is not available, normal ripe Indian gooseberry can be made into a chutney and had with food everyday. It is an extremely rich source of vitamin – C.
  13. Add a tablespoon of apple-cider vinegar, with honey to taste, to a glass of hot water. Drink it first thing in the morning.

Useful References

Home Remedies For Scanty Periods

Irregular Menstruation

How many days a menstrual period lasts, how much is the flow during the duration of the periods-it all varies according to individual patterns. As long as a woman has her periods every month, regularly, the cycle being anywhere between 26-35 days, it is normal. The bleeding may be for two, three or even six to seven days. The rhythm and duration of the periods is person-specific, depending upon a woman’s individual hormone settings. Sometimes the cycle may change after a D&C (dilatation and curretage) or childbirth. The amount of bleeding depends on the thickness of the lining shed, and the thickness of the lining depends on hormone balance, diet, exercise, emotions, stress, etc. As long as a cycle is regular, it is not considered abnormal or scanty.

Home Remedies to Cure the Scanty Periods

These remedies should be started a day or two before the the due date of the periods, and taken for three to four days.

1. Ginger Tea

Fresh ginger, pounded and brewed as a strong herbal tea, sweetened with honey or sugar to taste, should be taken thrice a day.

2. Sesame Seeds

sesame seeds

Half a teaspoon of sesame seeds, pounded, should be taken with a glass of hot water 2-3 times a day, starting two days before the due date of the periods.

3. Carrot Juice

Carrot Juice

Half to one cup of parsley or carrot juice should be taken once a day.

4. Papaya


Eat papaya regularly.

5. Herbal Tea

mint tea 

Herbal tea made with marigold heads or leaves: Drink half a cup 3-4 times a day.

Useful References

Prolapsed Uterus Causes, Symptoms, Treatments

prolapsed uterus

Prolapse of the uterus refers to the downward displacement of the vagina and uterus. The word prolapse is derived from the latin procidere which means with effect to fall.

The uterus is held in position by adequate ligaments. Besides, it has the support of the muscular structures of vagina and all other local tissues and muscles. Due to the laxity of support by muscles, tissues and ligaments, the uterus sags downwards.

Prolapsed Uterus Symptoms

A woman suffering from prolapse of the uterus feels that something is coming down through the vagina. She feels a sense of fullness in the region of the bladder and rectum. Other symptoms include dragging discomfort in the lower abdomen, low backache, heavy menses and mild vaginal discharge. There is also an increase in the frequency of urination and the patient feels difficulty in total emptying of the bladder. There may also be a burning sensation due to infection. The woman may experience difficulty in passing stools and complete evacuation of bowels. These symptoms become more pronounced before and during menstruation. The condition may also result in difficulty in normal sexual intercourse and sometimes sterility.

Prolapsed Uterus Causes

There are several factors which contribute to the displacement of the uterus. These include continuous distension of the intestines with gas or excess food materials. leading to constant downward pressure on the womb, chronic constipation. leading to pressure from behind from an over filled colon. tight clothing especially tight corsets, constant stooping, and a weakened condition of the internal muscles of the abdomen, through lack of exercise and bodily weakness.

Some of the other important factors responsible for prolapse of the uterus are prolonged labour, and interference in the delivery by inexpert people, lack of proper rest and diet in Postnatal periods, repeated deliveries and manual work. An increased weight of the womb, tumours of the uterus, traction of the uterus and surgical injuries can also lead to this disorder. Menopausal atrophy may also precipitate it.

Prevention tips for the prolapsed uterus

It is easier to prevent prolapse of the uterus than cure it after its occurrence. The measures to prevent it should include good antenatal care in pregnancy, proper management and timely intervention during delivery, good postnatal care with proper rest, correct diet and appropriate exercise so as to strengthen the pelvic musculature.

Prolapsed Uterus Home Remedies

Treatment for a displaced womb must consist mainly of a suitable diet and exercise. The diet should be so planned as should aim at building up the internal musculature of the body. Of course, any tendency towards tight lacing, constant stooping, and heavy lifting must be carefully guarded against, once a natural regime is undertaken, as these will automatically tend to hold up the success of the treatment.

To begin with the patient should adopt an all fruit diet for about five days. During this period she should take three meals consisting of juicy fruits such as orange, apple, pineapple, grapes at five hourly intervals. The bowel should be cleansed daily with a warm water enema.

After the all-fruit diet, the patient should gradually embark upon a well balanced diet based on three basic food groups, namely:-

  1. seed, nuts and grains.
  2. vegetables and fruits.

The all-fruit diet should be repeated for three days at monthly intervals till the condition improves. Here are some home remedies for the prolapsed uterus.

1. Carrots


Carrots have proved useful in the treatment of prolapse of the uterus. For prolapse of the uterus, pulped carrot should be placed in a muslin bag and inserted in the vagina. This should be kept for some time, using fresh carrots every twelve hours. This will heal and strengthen the parts and help greatly in preventing any further disorders in the female reproductive system.

2. Epsom Salts Bath

A hot Epsom salts bath is also beneficial in the treatment of prolapse of the uterus and should be undertaken twice a week. This bath is prepared by dissolving one or one and a half kg. of Epsom salts in an ordinary bath of hot water. The patient should remain immersed in the bath from ten to twenty minutes. This bath should be taken just before retiring to bed, and care should be exercised not to get chilled afterwards. No soaps should be used with the bath as it will interfere with its beneficial effects. The alternate hot and cold hip bath are also useful and should be undertaken at night on alternate days.

3. Exercises

Exercises to strengthen the pelvic musculature are extremely useful in the treatment of prolapse of the uterus. Lying on a couch with the legs raised higher than the rest of the body is very helpful in relieving pain and discomfort from a displaced womb. This should be done from half an hour to an hour two or three times daily. The feet should be raised about eighteen inches by placing cushions under them. When this is not possible, the patient can sit on a chair with the feet on another chair. The more this can be done during the day, the better will it be in every way. The patient should also perform other exercises aimed at strengthening the abdominal muscles. These exercises will help greatly in correcting the displacement of the uterus.

Women should always take precautions to space out their children so as to prevent repeated successive deliveries. This will allow the genital tissues to regain their strength and vitality and thereby prevent prolapse of the uterus.

Useful References

Morning Sickness

Morning Sickness

A number of women complain of nausea, and some of vomiting early in the morning during the first few weeks of pregnancy. Morning sickness, which can actually occur at any time of the day, can really dampen your excitement about being pregnant. Morning sickness is extremely common. It occurs in about half of all pregnant women. Morning Sickness usually begins during the first month of pregnancy.

Causes and Symptoms of Morning Sickness

These symptoms usually start after the third week of the missed periods. They generally subside at 6-8 weeks, but may last for three months. Anything more than this is not normal and needs medical attention. The nausea and vomiting is a result of bio-chemical changes taking place in the body, plus the fact that certain pregnancy-related hormones are high. Morning Sickness may be caused by either hormonal changes or lower blood sugar during early pregnancy. Symptoms of morning sickness can include:

  • Nausea.
  • Loss of appetite.
  • Vomiting.
  • Psychological effects, such as depression and anxiety.

Home Remedies For Treatment of Morning Sickness

  1. Eating a dry toast or a cream cracker biscuit in the morning with your cup of tea will soothe the biochemical upset.This helps to relief in morning sickness.
  2. Mix honey with some powdered green cardamom seeds. lick it once in a while.
  3. Avoid spicy and fried food – both eating and smelling it can increase your nausea.
  4. Cold food may have less nausea inducing smells associated with them.
  5. Roasted gram, eaten just one at a time, slowly, allays the urge to vomit.
  6. Fresh orange juice with honey, orange­ rind herbal tea with honey, and fresh ginger and lime tea soothe nausea.
  7. Get enough sleep at night.
  8. Take naps during the day (but not right after eating). Tiredness plays a big part in morning sickness.
  9. Eat smaller, lighter meals. Foods which have ginger, pepper, chilies, cinnamon and onion stimulate the appetite. Chew lime­ peel pickles, tamarind or raw mango.
  10. Powder 2-3 cloves, add to a glass of hot water and simmer for 15-20 minutes. let the mixture cool, and sip the solution off and on.This helps to relief in morning sickness.

Contact your doctor if

  • Morning sickness does not improve.
  • You are vomiting blood or material that looks like coffee grounds.
  • You lose more than 2 pounds.
  • There is prolonged, severe vomiting.

Useful References

7 Herbal Remedies To Treat Menorrhagia


Some women may naturally have a heavier flow during the menstrual period than others. However, if you have excessive bleeding, which is a change from your normal cyclic routine, and the flow contains large clots, it is advisable to consult a gynaecologist. There could be an underlying problem of hormonal imbalance, polyps, fibroids, or even cancer.

Menorrhagia Symptoms

The symptoms of menorrhagia include :-

  • Menstrual flow that soaks through one or more sanitary pads or tampons every hour for several consecutive hours.
  • The need to use double sanitary protection to control your menstrual flow.
  • Tiredness, fatigue or shortness of breath (symptoms of anemia).
  • The need to change sanitary protection during the night.
  • Irregular menstrual periods.
  • Menstrual period that lasts longer than seven days.
  • Menstrual flow that includes large blood clots.
  • Heavy menstrual flow that interferes with your regular lifestyle.
  • Constant pain in the lower abdomen during menstrual period.

Menorrhagia Causes

  • Adenomyosis.
  • Hormonal imbalance.
  • Uterine fibroids.
  • Pregnancy complications.

Home Remedies for The Menorrhagia Treatment

1. Coriander-seed Decoction

Coriander Seeds

Boil a teaspoon of coriander seeds in a cup of water till it is reduced to half. Add sugar to taste and have twice or thrice a day while it is still warm.

2. Banana Flower

Eat banana-flower curry every day, or have it as a dry vegetable with yoghurt. Banana flower has a progestron-like substance, so it helps regularise the flow during the periods.

3. Bael

dried seeds of the bael fruit, and also the mango seed kernel

Grind fresh bael leaves. A teaspoonful of this paste with warm water, had once a day, is efficacious.

4. Almonds


Soak 2-3 almonds in water overnight. Next morning, remove the skins and grind the almonds to a paste with 2-3 small bael leaves. Add a little honey and have daily. (The bael-Ieaf juice should be about a teaspoonful). Follow this with a cup of warm milk.

5. Indian Gooseberry

Indian Gooseberry

Have a teaspoon of Indian gooseberry juice with sugar on an empty stomach every morning. Follow it up with a glass of warm water.

6. Mimosa Pudica

Mimosa pudica grows wild throughout India . It is a thorny shrub which spreads on the ground, has small pink flowers, and its leaves close when touched. Two tablespoonful of the fresh juice of the leaves, taken with honey thrice a day for 3-4 days will stop the bleeding.

7. Asparagus Tubers

Take a tablespoonful of the crushed tuber juice with sugar thrice a day for 3-4 days.

Useful References

Irregular Menstruation

Irregular Menstruation

Irregularity in menstruation means that periods do not occur on time – that generally there is a tendency for delay.

Irregular Menstruation Symptoms

  • Menopause.
  • Pelvic infection.
  • Inflammation of the uterus.
  • Weight gain or loss.
  • Prolapsed Uterus.

Irregular Menstruation Causes

Emotions play an important role in causing an irregularity in an otherwise normal cycle. Other causes are hormonal variations.

Types of Menstrual irregularities

Irregular Menstruation Home Remedies

1. Hibiscus Flowers

Grind 3-4 fresh hibiscus flowers. They are either red or pink, and their scientific name is hibiscus rosa-sinensis. Take five red flowers, grind them to a paste, and have this on an empty stomach with water for 5-7 days before the normal expected due date of your periods. These flowers have an anti-oestrogenic quality, which helps to regularise the oestrogen / progestron balance and initiate the menstrual flow in time.

2. Aloe-leaf Pulp


Skin 2-3 aloe leaves and collect the pulp. Boil it till it becomes brown. Cool. Mash it to make a paste. This has a slight bitter taste, so have it with water or apple juice every morning on an empty stomach for 5-7 days. The dose is a teaspoonful. This also has a purgative action, so decrease the dose if required.

3. Basil

Basil Juice

Have a teaspoon of fresh holy basil­ leaf juice with a teaspoon of honey and a pinch of black pepper powder twice a day for 4-6 weeks. This regularises the periods.

4. Jaggery

Make a decoction with a teaspoon of old jaggery and a teaspoon of pounded omum seeds. Have with hot water twice a day for 3-4 days before the due date of the periods.

Useful References

Enlarged Uterus (Inflammation of the Uterus)

Inflammation of the Uterus

The uterus, often called the womb, is the most delicate organ of woman. It is liable to disorders of various kinds. Inflammation of this organ is a common occurrence in women. It may be acute or chronic.

The uterus is a hollow, pear shaped muscular organ, situated in a bony frame called the pelvis. It is seven cm. long, five cm. in breadth and about 2.5 cm. thick. Its capacity is roughly three cubic centimeters. The lower narrow end of the uterus which opens into the vagina is called the cervix. The upper broad part is called 1he body of the uterus or the corpus.

The inflammation which may affect the lining membrane of the uterus is called Endometritis. When it affects the muscular coat and substance of the uterus, it is termed metritis. Endometritis may be confined to the lining membrane of the cervix or neck of the uterus or it may attack the lining membrane of the entire organ. Commonly it is called catarrh of the uterus.

Symptoms of Inflammation of the Uterus

The symptoms of acute endometritis are slight fever, headache, general debility, loss of appetite, pain in the back and lower part of the abdomen and pelvis, and itching tendency in the vagina. In chronic endometritis, symptoms are the same, but not so severe as in the acute form. The only troublesome symptom is the discharge which may be either clear or opaque and yellow. This disease may produce sterility.

Chill, fever, rapid pulse and breathing, nausea, local pain and discharge are the symptoms of acute metritis. This is a very rare case, but it may occur after confinement on account of infection. Chronic metritis may occur for many reasons and is probably the most common disease among women. The symptoms are disorders of menstruation, more or less profuse leucorrhoea, constipation, lack of vitality, weakness in the back and the limbs, pain in the lower portion of the back and a tendency to abortion.

Causes of Inflammation of the Uterus

Inflammation of the uterus may be caused by sudden chill, or by exposure to cold during menstruation. The disease sometimes occurs because of the medicines applied for the purpose of stimulating the menstrual flow. Other causes are the use of irritants to produce abortion, the use of strong purgatives, the insertion of instruments and preventives, and excessive sexual indulgence. Sometimes bicycle riding, horse back riding and dancing may also cause inflammation of the uterus among weak and underweight women. The displacement of the uterus in any form may also lead to this condition.

Enlarged Uterus Treatment

If the inflammation is caused by a chill or exposure to cold during menstruation, the patient should start the treatment with a hot leg bath. This may be replaced by a hot hip bath after two or three days. In case of pain, hot and cold hip baths will be beneficial. The water should be changed from hot to cold, every two minutes and this should be repeated thrice.

As this disease produces the tendency towards constipation, the patient should take an enema once daily with warm water as can be comfortably borne by the patient. It is also advisable to apply alternate compress on the abdomen just before employing enema.

In the chronic form the treatment should aim at increasing the general vitality. To begin with, the patient should resort to fasting on orange juice and water for two or three days. The procedure is to take every two hours from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. the juice of an orange diluted with warm water on 50:50 basis. If the orange juice does not agree, juices of vegetables such as carrots and cucumbers may be taken. A warm water enema may be taken each day while fasting to cleanse the bowels.

The patient should also undertake moderate exercise and walking in the fresh air as it will help increase general health and vitality.

Useful References

Herbal Remedies For Frigidity


What is Frigidity ?

Frigidity is the inability to experience pleasure from sexual intercourse, characterized by a general lack of sexual desire and responsiveness. The term frigidity is most often used to describe sexual dysfunction in women. It is usually of psychological origin, stemming from fear, anxiety, guilt, depression, conflict with one’s mate, and/ or feelings of inferiority. Early traumatic sexual experience or other unpleasant childhood and adolescent episodes are often factors. Frigidity may also be a result of physiological factors. Some women find intercourse painful due to insufficient lubrication, inadequate stimulation, underlying illness or infection, or some other physical cause. The pain causes them to fear and shrink from sexual contact. Vitamin deficiency can cause a deficiency in estrogen levels and result in improper lubrication. A chronic illness, some medications, low testosterone levels, and certain medical conditions can also greatly diminish sexual desire.

Common causes for frigidity

Physical causes can include hormonal imbalances, such as hypothyroidism, low progesterone levels and low testosterone levels; excess weight; lack of exercise; menopause; surgery (particularly ovarian or uterine); exhaustion and childbirth. Some other causes for frigidity are:-

  • unskilled or uncaring partner
  • a gynecological disease
  • depression or trauma due to rape
  • fear of pain, infection.

Symptoms of Frigidity

Symptoms of Frigidity may vary on an individual basis for each patient. Only your doctor can provide adequate diagnosis of symptoms and whether they are indeed symptoms of frigidity.

  • Loss of female libido
  • Lack of enjoyment of intercourse
  • Painful intercourse
  • Vaginal dryness

Psychological or physical frigidity

Frigidity SAD can stem from either psychological or physical conditions and is often of a very complex nature. Psychological causes for frigidity may include: lack of knowledge about sexual techniques, stress, and conflict with a partner; these are usually accompanied by anxiety, fear, depression, or guilt about sexual activities. Physical causes for frigidity may include: conditions that inflict pain during intercourse, reduction in estrogen due to menopause, abnormal physical structures in, on, or around the woman’s body, and obstructions.

Herbal remedies for Frigidity

  1. Chives contain minerals required for the manufacture of sex hormones.
  2. Kava kava, helps to deal with anxiety and nervousness. Caution: Not recommended for pregnant women or nursing mothers. It should not be taken together with alcohol, barbiturates, antidepressants, antipsycotic drugs or any other substance that act on the central nervous system.
  3. Dong Quai (Angelica sinensis) is referred to as the ” female ginseng. ” In Traditional Chinese medicine it is used to balance the female hormonal system. Additionally it aids in problems related to peripheral circulation.
  4. Wild yam contains a natural steroid called dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) that rejuvenates and gives vigor to lovemaking. Take it for two weeks, then stop for two weeks, and soon.
  5. Siberian Ginseng increases energy, stamina and vitality. One of its main uses is to improve sexual performance and desire and to increase fertility. It nourishes the female reproductive organs and is indicated for vaginal dryness.
  6. Damiana is the “woman’s sexuality herb” -one of the most popular of plant aphrodisiacs. It contains alkaloids that directly stimulate the nerves and organs and have a testosterone-like effect. Damiana is excellent for supporting the sexual organs and enhancing sexual pleasure. For best results, place a dropperful of damiana extract under your tongue an hour or two before sexual activity. It may take several days for the difference to become apparent.
  7. Ginger Root (Zingiber officinale) has been used in Traditional Chinese medicine for 2500 years. Ginger supports a healthy cardiovascular system, prevents nausea and has been shown to decrease inflammation and platelet aggregation.
  8. Make sure to include the following in your diet: alfalfa sprouts; avocados; eggs that come fresh from hens (not those stored cold in the supermarket); olive oil; pumpkin seeds and other seeds and nuts; soy and sesame oil; and wheat.
  9. Avoid poultry, red meat, and sugar products.

Useful References

Prevention and Treatment of Fibrocystic Breast Disease

Fibrocystic Breasts Disease

Alternative names :: Mammary dysplasia, Benign breast disease

What is fibrocystic breasts?

Fibrocystic breasts is a noncancerous condition characterized by the presence of cysts, or lumps, in the breasts. This condition is also known as fibrocystic changes, chronic cystic mastitis, mammary dysphasia, and-although it is not actually a disease fibrocystic disease. It is caused by monthly changes in levels of estrogen and progesterone. It affects more than half of all women of childbearing age, most often between the ages of thirty and fifty.

Fibrocystic breasts are characterized by the presence of round lumps or cysts that move freely and are either firm or soft.

Symptoms of fibrocystic breasts

Symptoms include tenderness, heavy pain and lumpiness in the breasts. The discomfort is usually most pronounced before menstruation. Symptoms may range from mild to severe.

Causes of fibrocystic breasts

Fibrocystic breasts is caused by monthly changes in levels of estrogen and progesterone. Normally, fluids from breast tissues are collected and transported out of the breasts by means of the lymphatic system. However, if there is more fluid than the system can cope with, small spaces in the breast may fill with fluid. Fibrous tissue surrounds them and thickens like a scar, forming cysts. Many breast cysts swell before and during menstruation, and the resulting pressure can cause a feeling of fullness, a dull ache, increased sensitivity, or a burning sensation. Some women also experience significant pain.

Breast cysts may change in size, but they are benign. A cyst is tender and moves freely-it feels like an eyeball behind the lid. In contrast, a cancerous growth usually does not move freely, is most often not tender, and does not go away.

Most cysts are harmless. In fact, the normal structure of the breasts has a lumpy texture. However, this does not mean that any lumps should be disregarded. Each woman should be familiar with the normal feel of and cyclical changes in her breasts so that she can easily detect any new lumps. Ideally, she should check her breasts weekly, and if any new lumps become apparent between menstrual cycles, she should consult her health care practitioner promptly.

Home Remedies for Fibrocystic Breasts

  1. Eat a low-fat, high-fiber diet. Eat more raw foods, including seeds, nuts, and grains. Be sure nuts have not been subjected to heat. Include in your diet three or more servings daily of apples, bananas, grapes, grapefruit, raw nuts, seeds, fresh vegetables, and yogurt. Whole grains and beans should also be an important part of the diet.
  2. Take vitamin E it’s an antioxidant that protects breast tissue against fibrocystic breasts.
  3. Include in your diet foods that are high in germanium, such as garlic, shiitake mushrooms, and onions. Germanium helps to improve tissue oxygenation at the cellular level.
  4. Use poke root or sage poultices to relieve breast inflammation and soreness.
  5. Coenzyme Q10 is very important to remove toxins from the body and help control fibrocystic breasts.
  6. Good results have been achieved using primrose oil to reduce the size of cysts.

Prevention tips

  1. Do not consume any coffee, tea (except herbal teas), cola drinks, or chocolate. These foods contain caffeine, which has been implicated in fibrocystic breasts. Also avoid alcohol, animal products (especially meats and animal fats), cooking oils from supermarket shelves, fried foods, salt, sugar, tobacco, and all white flour products.
  2. Wearing a well-fitting bra to provide good breast support are important.

Useful References