Bugleweed Herb – Uses And Side Effects


Bugleweed comes from the roots, stems, leaves, and flowers of Lycopu, and L. europaeus. Members of the mint family, these plants are native to Europe and North America.

Common doses of Bugleweed

Bugleweed is available as a dried herb and as a liquid extract and tincture. Experts disagree on what dose to take.

Why people use Bugleweed herb

  • As an astringent
  • Fast pulse
  • Graves’ disease
  • Intermittent fever
  • Pain relief

Side effects of Bugleweed

Call your health care practitioner if you experience unusual symptoms when using bugleweed.


Combining herbs with certain drugs may alter their action or produce unwanted side effects. Don’t use bugleweed when taking:

  • heart drugs called beta blockers, such as Inderal (combining these with bugleweed may mask symptoms of an overactive thyroid)
  • thyroid hormone replacement drugs

Important points to remember

  • Don’t use bugleweed if you’re pregnant or breast-feeding.
  • Use this herb with extreme caution if you have an under active pituitary (hypopiluitarism), pituitary adenoma, hypogonadism, a thyroid-related tumor, or a similar endocrine disorder.
  • Use bugleweed cautiously if you have a heart condition.
  • Tell your health care practitioner you’re using bugleweed. He or she may want to check for hormone changes caused by bugleweed use.
  • Know that this herb hasn’t been tested in thyroid conditions other than overactive thyroid.
  • If you have a thyroid condition, don’t substitute bugleweed for prescribed antithyrol drugs, such as Propyl- Thymcil or Tapazole.
  • If you have osteoporosis or take oral contraceptives or fertility drugs, consult your health care practitioner before using bugleweed.

What the research shows

Information about bugleweed’s effects comes solely from animal studies. Results of animal studies don’t necessarily apply to people, but they should inspire caution. Bugleweed has been shown to Inhibit various hormones, although researchers haven’t evaluated the extent of inhibition. The herb may well merit a role in treating Graves’ disease, but it must be investigated more thoroughly

Other names for Bugleweed : –

Other names for bugleweed include carpenter’s herb, common bugle, Egyptian’s herb, famsyon maiy, gypsy-weed, gypsywort, menta de lobo, middle comfrey, Paul’s betony, sicklewort, su femsyunu, water bugle, and water horehound

No known products containing bugleweed are available commercially.

Useful References

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