Acid/Alkaline :: Acid-forming
What is Cadmium?
Cadmium appear to play a very pivotal role in thyroid disease, it is a very unique mineral. It is extremely toxic and has toxic biological effects at concentrations smaller than almost any commonly found mineral.
Uses and Benefits of Cadmium
An environmental poison found in water, on our food and in the air. It’s found in processed grains, dairy products, meats, fish, fertilizers, auto exhaust, cigarette smoke, batteries, solder and dentures. It disrupts the absorption of other minerals and tends to settle in the heart and right kidney and affects proper functioning of several enzymes.
Deficiency Symptoms of Cadmium
Anemia, muscle deterioration, hypertension, liver and kidney damage, zinc deficiency, arthritis, pneumonitis, vomiting, diarrhea, loss of calcium in bones, deterioration of heart and blood vessel structures, prostration, emphysema.
Toxicity: Cadmium is not excreted from the body and can accumulate over time to toxic levels. Excessive intake occurs when soft water leaches cadmium from pipes. Hypertension, kidney damage, loss of sense of smell (anosmia). Studies show that alcohol increases the retention of heavy metals such as cadmium.
Rich Food Sources of Cadmium
Water, air and soil.
Toxic sources: Cigarette smoke, air from battery manufacturing, metal soldering, welding and electroplating, pipes, water supplies, mining, the air near zinc refineries, burning of fossil fuels or municipal waste, dentures, paints, galvanized pipes, contaminated shellfish.
Foods that help to detox cadmium: Vegetables from the cabbage family, paprika, fruits
Useful References