Over time, toxic wastes can accumulate in the colon and liver, and then circulate throughout the body via the bloodstream. A clean and healthy colon and liver, then, are essential for the health of all the organs and tissues of the body.
There are two types of enemas-the retention enema and the cleansing enema. Retention enemas, also known as suppositories or implants, are held in the body for about fifteen minutes. Their primary action is to help rid the liver of impurities. Cleansing enemas, which are retained for only a few minutes, are used to flush and cleanse the colon.
When using any enema, keep in mind that enemas should never be used if there is rectal bleeding. In such a case, contact a physician immediately.
If you experience tension or spasms in the bowel while using an enema, try using warmer water-99°F is a good temperature-to help relax the bowel. If the bowel is weak or flaccid, try using colder water-75°F to 80°F-to help strengthen it.
After using any enema, be sure to wash and sterilize the tip of the enema bag.
The Catnip Tea Enema
Catnip tea enemas are a good way to bring a high fever down quickly and keep it down. These also relieve constipation and congestion, which keep fever up. When body temperature goes above 102°F (l03°F in children over two), take a cleansing catnip tea enema. Repeat the procedure every four to six hours, and continue taking the enemas twice daily as long as fever persists. Catnip tea enemas should not be used by children under two years of age.
To make the solution for the catnip tea enema, place about 8 tablespoons of fresh or dried catnip leaves in a glass or enameled pot. (If you are using bagged catnip tea, use the amount recommended on the package to make 1 quart of tea.) In a separate pot, bring 1 quart of steam-distilled water to a boil. Remove the water from the heat and pour it over the herbs. Cover the pot and let the tea steep for five to ten minutes. Then strain out the catnip and allow the tea to cool to a comfortable, slightly warm temperature.
Place all of the solution in an enema bag. Do not use petroleum jelly to lubricate the tip of the enema bag. Instead, use vitamin E oil (buy it in oil form or pierce the end of a vitamin E capsule and squeeze the liquid onto the tip). The liquid will both ease insertion and have a healing effect on the anus and the lining of the colon, if these areas are inflamed. Aloe vera may also be used for this purpose.
The best position to assume when receiving the enema is “head down and rear up.” If you experience any pain during insertion, stop the flow of the enema bag and, remaining in the same position, take deep breaths until the pain subsides. Then resume the enema flow. If you expel the liquid before all of it has been inserted, simply begin the process over again. If pain persists, discontinue the enema procedure.
After the liquid has been inserted, roll onto your back, and finally roll over and lie on your left side. As you are doing this, massage your colon to help loosen any fecal matter. Start on your right side and gradually move your fingers up toward the bottom of your rib cage, then across your abdomen and down the left side. Hold the solution in your body for three or four minutes before expelling it.
The Coffee or Wheat grass Retention Enema
This type of enema is not hard to retain, since it is only a cup of liquid. When used as a retention enema-an enema that is held in the body for a specified period of time coffee does not go through the digestive system and does not affect the body as a coffee beverage does. Instead, the coffee solution stimulates both the liver and the gallbladder to release toxins, which are then flushed from the body.
A coffee retention enema is quite helpful during a serious illness, after hospitalization, and after exposure to toxic chemicals. This enema can also be used while fasting to relieve the headaches sometimes caused by a fast-induced release of toxins.
Some alternative clinics use fresh wheat grass retention enemas for the treatment of cancer and other chronic illnesses. Use 1 ounce of fresh wheat-grass juice in one cup of warm water. Wheat-grass contains nearly all the nutrients and enzymes the body needs for healing. If you cannot obtain fresh wheat grass, Sweet Wheat from Sweet Wheat, Inc., a freeze-dried product, is a good alternative. Try using coffee and wheat grass enemas on alternating days.
To make the coffee enema solution, place 2 quarts of steam distilled water in a pan, and add 6 heaping tablespoons of ground coffee (do not use instant or decaffeinated). Boil the mixture for fifteen minutes, cool to a comfortable temperature, and strain. Use only 1 pint of the strained coffee at a time, and refrigerate the remainder in a closed jar.
Place 1 pint of the enema solution in an enema bag. Do not use petroleum jelly to lubricate the tip of the enema bag. Instead, use vitamin E oil (buy it in oil form or pierce the end of a vitamin E capsule and squeeze the liquid onto the tip). The liquid will both ease insertion and have a healing effect on the anus and the lining of the colon, if these areas are inflamed. Aloe vera gel may also be used for this purpose.
The best position to assume when receiving the enema is “head down and rear up.” After the liquid has been inserted, roll onto your right side and hold the solution in your body for fifteen minutes before allowing the fluid to be expelled. Do not roll from side to side.
Do not be concerned if the liquid is not expelled after fifteen minutes. Simply stand up and move around as usual until you feel the urge to expel the liquid.
- Use steam-distilled water, not tap water. This is especially important for retention enemas-you do not want to absorb any chemicals from the tap water.
- To maximize the benefits of this or any other retention enema, use a cleansing enema first.
- Do not abuse coffee enemas by using them too often. Use them only once daily while following a program for a specific disorder, unless you are being treated for cancer. People with cancer may need up to three enemas a day. You may also use coffee and wheat-grass enemas occasionally as needed.
- Remember that excessive use of coffee enemas over six months or more may deplete the body’s stores of iron, as well as other minerals and vitamins, causing anemia. Do not use coffee enemas for longer than four to six weeks at a time. If you develop anemia during treatment-or whenever you use this enema daily for a long period of time-be sure to take desiccated liver tablets as directed on the label.
- If you have cancer, AIDS, or another serious illness, or if you have a malabsorption problem, add 1 cc of B-complex vitamins or 2 cc of injectable liver extract, plus a dropperful of liquid kelp or sea water concentrate (found in health food stores) to the enema solution. If you are unable to locate injectable forms of these supplements, open 2 capsules of a B-complex supplement and add the contents to the enema solution, making sure it dissolves before use. You can open up a capsule of probiotics and add the contents to the solution. Used daily, these supplements replace any lost B vitamins, help rebuild the liver, and provide an extra boost of energy. You can also add burdock root and milk thistle extract to the enema. Use only alcohol-free liquid extract and 5 drops of each to the enema solution. This will help to cleanse the blood and the liver.
- To kill unwanted bacteria in the colon-or for any type of colon disorder, including diarrhea and constipationadd 5 drops of either Aerobic 07 from Aerobic Life Industries or Dioxychlor from American Biologics to the enema solution.
The Lemon Juice Cleansing Enema
The lemon juice enema is an excellent means of cleansing the colon of fecal matter and other impurities and of detoxifying the system. This enema also balances the pH of the colon and is useful whenever cleansing of the colon is desired, as well as for colon disorders, such as constipation
To make the solution for the lemon enema, add the juice of 3 lemons to 2 quarts of lukewarm steam-distilled water. (Be sure to avoid using either very cold or very warm water.), add 2 droppersful of liquid kelp to boost the mineral content of the solution.
Place all of the solution in an enema bag. Do not use petroleum jelly to lubricate the tip of the enema bag. Instead, use vitamin E oil (buy it in oil form or pierce the end of a vitamin E capsule and squeeze the liquid onto the tip). The liquid will both ease insertion and have a healing effect on the anus and the lining of the colon, if these areas are inflamed. Aloe vera gel may also be used for this purpose.
The best position to assume when receiving the enema is “head down and rear up.” After the liquid has been inserted, roll onto your back, and finally roll over and lie on your left side. As you are doing this, massage your colon to help loosen any fecal matter. Start on your right side and gradually move your fingers up toward the bottom of your rib cage, then across your abdomen and down the left side.
Note that 2 quarts is a lot of liquid. H you experience any pain during insertion, stop the flow of the enema bag and, remaining in the same position, take deep breaths until the pain subsides. Then resume the enema flow. If you expel the liquid before all of it has been inserted, simply begin the process over again. H pain persists, discontinue the enema procedure.
Hold the solution in your body for three or four minutes before allowing it to be expelled. After two or three such sessions, you will find it easier to insert and hold the liquid
- If you have trouble with constipation, use the lemon juice enema once a week, and the coffee retention enema once a week. The bowels will shortly move on their own, the colon will be clean, and the stool will not be foul-smelling. o If you suffer from colitis, use the lemon juice enema once a week. Any time pain from colitis is experienced, this enema will quickly relieve the discomfort.
- If you are allergic to lemons, prepare the enema solution with 1 to 2 ounces of wheatgrass juice or 1 ounce of liquid aged garlic extract (Kyolic) in 2 quarts of steamdistilled water. Or fill the enema bag with plain steamdistilled water
The Proflora Whey Enema
This remedy may be beneficial if you have used high colonics or taken antibiotics over a long period of timepractices that can kill the body’s “friendly” bacteria. The whey enema helps the body fight yeast infections and improves digestion and the assimilation of nutrients
To make the enema solution, mix 2 quarts of lukewarm steam-distilled water and 5 tablespoons of ProFlora whey. Pour the mixture into the enema bag. Release any air from the enema tube before insertion, and lubricate the tip with vitamin E oil (buy it in oil form or pierce the end of a vitamin E capsule and squeeze the liquid onto the tip). Do not use petroleum jelly to lubricate the tip of the bag.
For best results, use a plain water enema before using the ProFlora whey enema, as this makes it easier to retain the solution for the necessary period of time. Do not use this type of enema on a daily basis. Limit it to three times a year.
To replace the friendly bacteria in the colon, do a probiotic retention enema after the ProFlora whey enema. Open up 8 capsules of Kyo-Dophilus from Wakunaga and add the contents to 1 cup of lukewarm (body-temperature) water. The best position to assume when receiving the enema -is “head down and rear up.” This implant will normalize the pH of the colon and restore healthy bacteria so that constipation will be eliminated. After the liquid has been inserted, roll onto your right side and hold the solution in your body for fifteen minutes before allowing the fluid to be expelled. Do not roll from side to side.
Do not be concerned if the liquid is not expelled after fifteen minutes. Simply stand up and move around as usual until you feel the urge to expel the liquid. Do not use this type of enema on a daily basis. Limit it to three times a year.
Useful References