Calumba Herb – Uses And Side Effects


Calumba, from the Jateorhiza calumba (J. palmata) plant, is native to Mozo and the forests of eastern Africa, where it’s cultivated for use as a dye and flavoring agent. During processing, the plant’s root is dried and powdered. As the Powder absorbs moisture from the air, it decomposes and changes from green to brownish black.

Common doses of Calumba

Calumba comes as capsules and an elixir (often prepared without heating as a cold infusion). Experts disagree on what dose to take.

Why people use Calumba herb

Side effects of Calumba

Call your health care practitioner if you experience any unusual symptoms when using calumba.


Combining herbs with certain drugs may alter their action or produce unwanted side effects. Tell your health care practitioner about any prescription or nonprescription drugs you’re taking.

Important points to remember

  • Don’t use calumba if you’re pregnant or breast-feeding.
  • If you’re using this herb to treat diarrhea, keep in mind that proven drugs for diarrhea exist.

What the research shows

Medical experts don’t recommend this herb because it hasn’t been studied in people. With many approved drugs for diarrhea on the market, further investigation and development of calumba for medicinal use isn’t likely.

Other names for Calumba: –

Other names for for calumba include Cocculus palmatus and columbo root.

Products containing calumba are sold under such names as Amaro Maffioli, Appetiser Mixture, Bitteridina, Ducase, Elixir Spark, Padma-Lax, Richelet, and Travel-Caps.

Useful References

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