Aromatherapy and its uses
- Aromatherapy is not a new developing concept .it is well known in the world. Aroma means smell and therapy means to heal when we get tired by running in our personal life.
- Then we need something that balances a harmony missing in our body. Aromatherapy is well known for its unique way of healing the body inside and outside. People allover in the world are using it. Aromatherapy heals up your physical body, mind and the soul.
- Aromatherapy was used by the Chinese to live well. They used aromatherapy to enhance their well being among the society.
Aromatherapy can be done by various ways .but the most common and reliable method is massage aromatherapy. It gives you the ultimate results if you go for massage aromatherapy. No doubt massage aromatherapy is a good method.
Massage aromatherapy
Massage aromatherapy involves the massage of a body or body part with the essential aromatic oils. Oils that comes under the use of aromatherapy are listed below-
Geranium, Lavender, Rose, Sandalwood, Eucalyptus, Tea-tree, eucalyptus, garlic, peppermint, rosemary wood, etc
There over three hundred varieties of such herbs that are present in the world. Around forty are those that we use very often. The good massage method can be done in as many ways. Countries of world use massage in their own way. Some methods are explained below.
Neuromuscular massage – As the name suggests the massage is done in a best way to restore the autonomic nervous system. This massage method is also known as trigger point
Lymphatic massage – Lymphatic massage method is done to improve the flow of lymph in the body. It includes basic techniques that enable body to boost up the immune system.
Acupressure massage– Acupressure has been widely spread all over. It includes the pressures upon various channels of body; it relieves the body by the blockages. Acupressure can be done whenever and it does not need any other equipment such as needles. It involves pressures on certain points of body.
Swedish – Swedish people evolved this massage method. Also it is most common method that is being used by people in the world. This method involves strokes given to the body. These strokes help the body to reduce the emotional and internal stress.
Reflexology – This method involves basically the feet. It is not mandatory only feet are involved. Therapist massages the feet of person as it relates or connected to the other body parts of the person. It makes you relax.
The above mentioned massage methods are needed to choose the aromatic oils wisely. Its not fragrance of oil works what works is the ingredients of oils. It is necessary to adopt the holistic approach in massage aromatherapy. It involves certain strokes to be given to the body to give extreme and rejuvenating effect
Points to remember before massage
- If a person is pregnant then doctor’s permission is needed.
- If you have just taken meal then do not massage.
- Person having cancer, fever then he may avoid massage.
- If a person has inflamed joints or pain in body parts than massage should be avoided.
Useful References