Tibetan acupuncture is very similar to the acupuncture that is found and used in China. However, Tibetan acupuncture differs from the Chinese acupuncture.
The hugest difference is mainly in the use of different points and meridians on the body. In other words, the focus may not be in exactly the same places on the body in Tibetan acupuncture that would be in Chinese acupuncture.
A Typical Procedure
A typical Tibetan acupuncture session may last an average of 25 to 30 minutes. During this time needles are poked into significant places.
One of these is the shoulder, and another may be a place such as an elbow. There are often various places on the back or shoulder that might be addressed during this time.
Sometimes a person might attend several sessions. Each time perhaps the same area or a different one would be addressed.
According to some stories, patients undergoing Tibetan acupuncture felt better after even a first or second session. Results can even be felt and noticed even within a next day after a session, or especially after a second session.
To one person’s surprise, the individual felt 100% again after the third session. This is mainly because of the philosophy and concepts surrounding Tibetan Acupuncture. Some of this can be explained in the following section.
Some Concepts
Tibetan Acupuncture is one of the primary types of Traditional Tibetan Medicine. However, you should know that Tibetan acupuncture differs from the Chinese acupuncture in some ways. This can be explained further upon completion of more research.
To summarize for now, it is mainly in the use of different insertion points and meridians. Different opinions often surround where the needle points should be placed on the body. A person receiving Tibetan acupuncture treatments may have them placed on different points of the body in different places than someone who uses Chinese therapies of the same.
As far as addressing illnesses, it is believed that certain types of bodily ailments are a result of disruption of energy flow. It is acupuncture that can help restore the balance and harmony of a person’s body by stimulating points located along the energy meridians.
This is done by natural and holistic means of needs of addressing the body, mind and spirit, in an integrated way. This is often done using not only the Tibetan acupuncture but corresponding messages, meditations, and aromatherapy herbs.
Some of the main uses of acupuncture include relief of aches and pain and/or improvement of ongoing conditions. Abnormal results include infection, a severe side effect, or worsening of the condition being treated.
Useful References