Chromium – Benefits, Deficiency Symptoms And Food Sources


Acid/Alkaline :: Acid-forming

What is Chromium?

Chromium is an essential trace mineral that the body needs to grow properly and remain healthy. This essential mineral maintains stable blood sugar levels through proper insulin utilization, and can be helpful for both people with diabetes and for those with hypoglycemia. Preliminary research has found that chromium supplementation also improves glucose tolerance in people with Turner’s syndrome – a disease linked with glucose intolerance.

Uses and Benefits of Chromium

  • The main function of chromium is as a component of glucose tolerance factor (GTF), a substance that works with insulin to facilitate the uptake of blood sugar (glucose) into the cells.
  • Chromium has been used for diabetes, high cholesterol and low blood sugar (hypoglycemia) and is backed by a great deal of scientific research
  • Needed for energy, thyroid, spleen.
  • Additional chromium is needed during pregnancy because the developing fetus increases the demand for this mineral.
  • Aids carbohydrate metabolism.
  • Works with insulin in glucose utilization and energy release.
  • Chromium has also been used for weight loss, to increase athletic performance and depression.
  • It may help to fight osteoporosis.

Recommended Dosage of Chromium

There is no Recommended Daily Allowance for chromium. Estimates indicate that 50 to 200 mcg a day is safe and adequate for adults.

Deficiency Symptoms of Chromium

  • Hypoglycemia, diabetes.
  • Possible sleep and dream disturbances, anxiety, fatigue, shortened life span.
  • Industrial chromium has carcinogenic effects upon the lungs and can cause bronchial inflammation, skin ulcerations, and conditions have been observed in cerebral hemorrhage and thrombosis.

Toxicity: Excess intake or tissue accumulation of chromium can inhibit rather than enhance the effectiveness of insulin. At extremely high levels, it may encourage the growth of cancer. Kidney and liver impairment

Rich Food Sources of Chromium

Natural water sources, mushrooms, sugar cane, brewer’s yeast, molasses, spices, fish, fruits, whole grains, and vegetables, especially carrots, potatoes, and spinach are also good sources, as are alfalfa, brown sugar, molasses, and animal fats.

Toxic sources: Industry leather tanning processes, raw cement and wood finishing.

Note: Scientists estimate that 90% of Americans don’t get enough chromium and that 60% are diabetic or hypoglycemic. Some people experience light headedness or a slight skin rash when taking chromium. If you feel lightheaded, stop taking the supplement and consult your health care provider. If you develop a rash, either try switching brands or discontinue use.

Useful References

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