Uses and Benefits of Mercury
- Mercury salts are used in medicine, agriculture, and industry and accumulation of toxic levels is possible.
- Mercury alters the shape and function of enzymes.
- The body accumulates mercury in the kidneys, nerves, blood, liver, bone marrow, spleen, brain, heart, skin and muscles.
- The developing infant is very susceptible to mercury toxicity during pregnancy. While pregnant and/or breast-feeding, eat in moderation any fish that tends to be high in mercury.
Deficiency Symptoms of Mercury
- Mercury settles in liver, spleen, kidneys, intestinal wall, heart, skeletal muscles, lungs and bones.
- Immediate gastrointestinal disturbances, loss of appetite and weight, inflammation of gums, difficulty chewing and swallowing, metallic taste in mouth, thirst, nausea, vomiting, pain in the abdomen, bloody diarrhea.
Toxicity: Excess mercury suppresses selenium, causes severe emotional disturbances, cell destruction, blocked transport of sugars (energy at cellular level), increased permeability of potassium, loss of appetite, depression, tremors, decreases senses, peripheral numbness, poor memory and especially neuro-muscular conductors. Has been linked to MS and Parkinson’s. Has been associated with heart attacks (MIs).
Rich Food Sources of Mercury
Food sources: Many types of fish, especially tuna.
Toxic sources: Contaminated fish, dental amalgams, water supplies, thermometers, some batteries, manufacture and delivery of petroleum products, fungicides (for grains and cereals), florescent lamps, hair dyes, cosmetics, combustion of fossil fuels, fertilizers, pharmaceutical preparations (diuretics and hemorrhoidal, etc.). This source of mercury might suppress the immune system and the body’s natural defense against infection and disease.
Useful References