Molybdenum – Benefits, Deficiency Symptoms And Food Sources


What is Molybdenum ?

Molybdenum is an essential trace mineral in animal and human nutrition. It is found in several tissues of the human body and is required for the activity of some enzymes that are involved in catabolism, including the catabolism of purines and the sulfur amino acids. Most people are not deficient in this mineral if the food they eat comes from nutrient-rich soil. Molybdenum is needed by humans in very small amounts.

Uses and Benefits of Molybdenum

  • Regulates calcium, magnesium, copper metabolism.
  • Molybdenum helps with metabolism of fats and carbohydrates.
  • Molybdenum aids in the final stages of the conversion of purines to uric acid.
  • It supports bone growth and strengthening of the teeth.
  • It’s a component of the enzyme xanthine oxidase that aids in the formation of uric acid (a normal breakdown product of metabolism).
  • It is important in the mobilization of iron from storage, and is necessary for normal growth and development.
  • May protect against stomach and esophagus cancers.

Recommended Dosage of Molybdenum

The Recommended Daily Allowance for Molybdenum are 75 to 250 mcg.

Deficiency Symptoms of Molybdenum

Increased heart rate, mouth and gum disorders, anemia, loss of appetite, acne, weight loss, impotence in older males, increased respiratory tate, night blindness, stunted growth.

Toxicity: Generally considered non-toxic. However, prolonged intake of more than 10 mg. is associated with gout-like symptoms, such as pain and swelling of the joints.

Rich Food Sources of Molybdenum

Brown rice, millet, dark green leafy vegetables, peas, sunflower seed, legumes, beans, whole grains.

Toxic sources: Tap water

Useful References

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