Venous Angioma – Causes, Signs and Treatment

venous angioma

The definition of the Venous Angioma

Basically it is the most common form of Angioma which is found at the autopsy. It is a kind of tumor which occurs because of lymphatic blood vessels or the blood vessels. The disease venous angioma is also described as the venous distortion or irregularity or development of the venous in anomaly manner. This disease is actually an extreme variation in the veins which drains the normal brain tissue in that region which is a matter to be concerned seriously.
Basically the veins which are infected of contains venous angioma have great structural deviations compared to the more normal or developed veins of the body. Venous Angioma is really very dangerous as it drains blood completely from the brain. This disease is because of the over growth of blood cells in the body. Venous Angioma persist the great efficiency t make the surgery very difficult. The arrangement of veins affected by the venous angioma has been named “caput medusa” emergence because they resembles the head which is covered by the snakes of the mythical creature known as Perseus.

Venous Angioma Causes

So far the exact or actual cause of venous angioma has not been discovered. But number of observations and researches depicted the following characteristics and causes of venous angioma:

  • Venous angioma is one of the non hereditary diseases.
  • It is basically considered as the “present at birth anomalies”, the mane itself clarifies that the people who are born with such injuries; they never get successful in healing them.
  • The majority venous angiomas crop up alone. The majority of venous angiomas are caused because of the vascular disarray or disorder i.e. vast hemangiomas.

The major symptoms or warning signs of venous angioma

Following are the few warning signs of the venous angioma:

  • The hemmorage is something which can be found commonly in the patients of venous angioma.
  • In the most severe cases patients may experience head bursting headache.
  • The patients of the venous angioma feel laziness in doing any piece of work.
  • The spider angioma, cherry angioma and senile angioma may be observed during the venous angioma.
  • The vomiting and nausea are very frequent during venous angioma.
  • The sleeplessness is the very first warning signs or symptoms of disease called venous angioma.
  • One may experience weakness in his or her both limbs during venous angioma.

The various treatments for venous angioma disease

The very significant and very effective treatments or cures for the venous angioma disease are stated as follows:-

  1. The surgery can be carried out if the person knows that venous angioma has ruptured completely. Usually the surgery is not a best option in number of cases, and it is only preferred in the cases where the cuts or injuries keep bleeding continuously and take the patient of sufferer on the verge of great risk.
  2. Certain medicines or other equivalent agents can be used to remove venous angioma.

Useful References

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