Whooping Cough Symptoms + 3 Home Remedies

Whooping Cough

Whooping cough or Pertussis, as it is called in medical parlance, is a contagious disease. It is a very distressing condition which may cause serious trouble in the lungs. The disease appears to be endemic, with seasonal outbreaks, especially during the winter months. The incubation period is between one and two weeks after exposure.

Unlike some other diseases, a new born baby no immunity to whooping cough, and can get it any time after birth. It commonly affects infants during the first year of life, if they are not immunized. Many cases of whooping cough occur in children up to five years of age. In some cases, children up to 12 years may also be affected.

Whooping Cough Symptoms

The disease has a catrrhal and a spasmodic stage. For the first week the cough is like ordinary upper respiratory catarrh. At the end of the week, it becomes spasmodic and comes in bouts, initially more often during the night, but later during the day as well. The child goes on coughing. His face becomes red and suffused, the tongue protrudes and the eyes begin to water. At the end of the bout, the child takes a deep breath and there is a prolonged croaking sound which is called a whoop. This sound is produced by the air entering through a partially closed glottis. This gives the disease its name. The child brings out sticky secretion from his nose and mouth and very often vomits. At the end of the bout, the child lies back exhausted. Gradually, over the next or four weeks, the bouts of cough and their duration become less and disappear in about eight to 10 weeks from the beginning of the disease. In immunized children, the disease is mild and atypical.

Whooping Cough Causes

Whooping cough is highly contagious, caused by rod shaped bacilli, Bordetella pertussis and Bordetella parapertusis. The first one gives rise to more severe infections. It is also associated with various adinoviruses, para influenza and respiratory viruses.It spreads rapidly from on child to another through droplets emitted by coughing. This is especially so during the early catarrhal stage, but once the typical spasmodic bout starts the infection becomes negligible.

The actual cause of the whooping cough, is however, is feeding the children with refined and dermineralised foods and the absence of sufficient quantity of fresh fruits and salad vegetables in their diet. This results in accumulation of excessive quantities of catarrh and mucus in the child’s system. This is an attempt on the part of the nature to throw out this catarrh and mucus. The use of drugs to treat other diseases can also lead to whooping cough.

Whooping Cough Treatment

Good nursing care is essential to the treatment of whooping cough. The child patient should be isolated from others and kept in a well ventilated room. He should wear loose clothes and must be given plenty of liquids in between the attacks of coughing. Orange juice will be especially beneficial. It can be given diluted with warm water on 50:50 basis. You should give warm water daily to the effective person during the whooping cough period.


Natural Home Remedies For Whooping Cough

The most effective of these remedies is the use of garlic. The syrup of garlic should be given in doses of five drops to a teaspoon two or three times a day for treating this condition. It should be given more often if the coughing spells are frequent and violent.

1. Ginger

Ginger Juice with Honey

Use of ginger is another effective homemade remedy for whooping cough treatment. A teaspoon of fresh ginger juice, mixed with a cup of fenugreek (methi) decoction and honey to taste, is an excellent diaphoretic. It acts as an expectorant in the whopping cough disease.

2. Radish


A syrup prepared by mixing a teaspoon of fresh radish juice with an equal quantity of honey and a little rock salt, is beneficial in the treatment of this disease. It should be given thrice daily.

3. Almond Oil


Almond oil is also valuable in treating whooping cough. It should be given mixed with 10 drops each of fresh white onion juice, daily three for a fortnight.

Useful References

Tonsillitis: Causes, Symptoms, and Home Remedies


Alternative names : Pharyngitis, laryngitis, Tonsils.

What is tonsillitis?

Tonsillitis is an acute inflammation of the tonsils. Chronic tonsillitis refers to the condition in which there is enlargement of the tonsils accompanied by repeated attacks of infection. Tonsillitis is one the most common ailments encountered at childhood. Its incidence is especially high among children in the age group between 5 to 10 years. It is indicative of a toxic condition of the system and is a continuous source of distress both for the child and his parents.

The tonsils are two almond shaped small glands situated one on each side of the throat. They can be seen just at the back of the mouth between two folds of membranes running up to the soft palate. They are tiny at birth but show a spurt of growth and activity during the early months of life. They can become very large when severely infected. They protect the throat against disease germs.

In early childhood, especially in the first months at school. Children meet a wide variety of infections, most of which are transmitted through the nose and mouth. So the tonsils are ideally situated to attack and destroy these germs before they can enter the respiratory tract to set up a serious infection such as bronchitis or pneumonia. In fulfilling this protective function, the tonsils become red and swollen.

What are the symptoms of tonsillitis?

The symptoms of tonsillitis are sore throat, fever, headache, pain in various parts of the body, difficulty in swallowing, hoarseness of voice and general weakness. The tonsils are seen to be inflamed and red when mouth is opened wide. In many cases, spots of pus exude from them. Externally, the tonsillitis lymph glands, which lie just behind the angle of the jaw, are tender and enlarged. In several cases there may be pain in the ear.

The children suffering from tonsillitis (tonsils) are often listless and pale. They may vomit frequently due to the irritation of large tonsils. In case of chronic tonsillitis the children may lose weight, they may be irritable, lethargic and weak in studies.

What are the causes of tonsillitis?

Inflammation of the tonsils is usually due to infection by streptococcus progenies. This infection is facilitated by the toxic condition of child’s system generally, resulting from wrong feeding and unhygienic condition of living. Overeating, consumption of refined foods like sugar, whit flour and products made from them, fired foods, condiments, excessive tea and coffee all contribute to tonsillitis (tonsils) and constipation.

Tonsillitis Home Remedies

1. Acacia Bark

Use pounded acacia bark to make a decoction. Add a pinch of salt and gargle – for enlarged tonsils.

2. Lettuce


Dry water lettuce or tropical duckweed and burn it an ash. Moisten it with a drop of mustard oil, and apply a thin layer on chronic, enlarged tonsils, twice a day. Helps to get rid of tonsillitis.

3. Figs

Dried figs, boiled, softened and then mashed and the warm paste applied to tonsils is soothing and quite palatable too. Add honey to this and eat the stewed figs with just a little water/ syrup – ideal for hoarseness caused by laryngitis.

4. Lime


One of the most effective home remedy is the use of lime. Half a fresh lime squeezed in a glass of warm water, mixed with two teaspoons of honey and little salt, should be sipped slowly in such cases.

5. Milk

The use of milk has been found valuable in this disease. A glass of pure boiled milk, mixed with a pinch of turmeric powder and pepper powder, should be taken every night for three nights. It will provide great relief from tonsillitis (tonsils).

6. Vegetable Juice 


Raw vegetable juice are also beneficial in the treatment of tonsillitis. The juices of carrot, beet and cucumber taken individually or in combination are especially valuable. Formula proportions found helpful, when used in combination are carrot 150ml, beet 50ml and cucumber 50ml to prepare 250ml of combined juice.

7. Gargle


The throat may be gargled with hot water mixed with a little salt and lime juice several times daily. This will help draw out fluids from the inflamed throat, their by relieving discomfort. Gargling with solutions made from the fenugreek (methi) seeds is effective in sereve cases. To make such a gargle, two tablespoons of fenugreek seeds should be allowed to simmer for half an hour in a liter of water and then set aside to cool. The entire quantity should be used as a soothing gargle in a day with beneficial results. Hot packs may be applied to neck. A warm water bath will also be helpful.

Tonsillitis can be successfully treated by the natural home remedy outlined above. Surgery for the removal of the tonsils will be necessary only in very rare cases, when tonsils are seriously diseased, rugged and contain hopelessly incurable pus pockets.

Useful References

Home Remedies To Get Rid of Sore Throat

Sore Throat

Alternate Names : Burning or pain in the Throat, Pain Throat, Throat Sore.

Any infection or inflammation of the throat will cause pain, which often causes difficulty in swallowing food or speaking. A sore throat is discomfort, pain, or scratchiness in the throat. A sore throat often makes it painful to swallow. Sore throat refers to the inflammation of the pharynx, or back of the throat. It occurs frequently when a person has a cold or an attack of influenza. This inflammation may also involve the tonsils and adenoids if these have not already been removed. An irritating condition of the throat may range from the harmless to the potentially serious.

Sore Throat Causes

Sometimes a throat pain may feel like a needle pricking at a particular point. This is often because of a pus point or a small abscess waiting to burst. Sore throat is mainly caused by bacteria or a viral infection. Many different kind of ailments can give rise to this condition. The most common of these ailments are common cold and influenza. Other diseases which can cause sore throat are tonsillitis, mumps, sinusitis, measles, and diphtheria. Even leukemia on rare occasions may lead to sore throat. Other causes of this disease are excessive smoking and talking, frequent use of voice as in certain professions like singing, acting and teaching.

Sore Throat Symptoms

In case of an acute sore throat, the patient complains burning and dryness in the throat followed by chills, fever and some hoarseness or laryngitis. The lymph glands along the sides of the neck may become swollen and tender. The back of the throat may become very red and even covered with a greyish white membrane. The patient may find difficulty in swallowing, especially during the acute stage. There may also be postnasal discharge if the irritation has spread to nasal passages. The patient with sore throat caused by ‘Streptoccal’ germs suffers from high fever and sharp pain with swelling. Some of common causes and symptoms of sore throat includes:

Sore Throat Home Remedies

  1. Half a cup of fresh bottle gourd juice, flavored with honey, is soothing for pain in the throat. It has cooling properties, is a diuretic, a good source of vitamin-B complex, and a fair source of vitamin-C and magnesium. Magnesium ions relieve pain.
  2. The herb belleric myroblan is valuable in sore throat A mixture of two grams of the pulp of the fruit, a quarter teaspoon of salt, half a teaspoon of powdered long pepper, and two teaspoons of honey should be administered in the treatment of this condition. The fried fruit can also be roasted after covering it with wheat flour, and used as a cure for a sore throat.
  3. One-third of a cup each of fresh spinach juice and carrot juice is cooling and soothing.
  4. One finely-cut fresh onion, flavored with half a teaspoon of freshly roasted ground cumin seeds, with rock salt added for taste, is another remedy for pain in the throat.
  5. Gargle several times a day with warm salt water. (Mix 1/2 tsp of salt in 1 cup of water.)
  6. A sherbet made from mulberry, or the fruits eaten whole, is cooling as well as rich in vitamin C. Helps to get rid of sore throat.
  7. Add a tablespoonful of the pounded dry bark of the mango tree to two glasses of water, make a decoction and keep aside. Add two tablespoons of this decoction to half a glass of water and gargle with it 2-3 times a day.
  8. Cinnamon is regarded as an effective remedy for a sore throat resulting from a cold. One teaspoon of coarsely powdered cinnamon, boiled in a glass of water with a pinch of pepper powder, and two teaspoons of honey can be taken as a medicine in the treatment of this condition. Two or three drops of cinnamon oil, mixed with a teaspoon of honey, also give immense relief.
  9. A tablespoon of the bark of the grewia asiatica tree, ground and boiled in two glasses of water, should be used for gargling. It is cooling as well as an astringent.
  10. The leaves of basil have also been found beneficial in the treatment of this condition. Water boiled with basil leaves should be taken as a drink, and also used as a gargle to relieve a sore throat.
  11. Sage is another effective remedy for a sore throat half a litre of boiling water should be poured on a handful of sage leaves. When moderately cool, a little vinegar and honey should be added according to taste. This mixture should be used as a gargle. A teaspoon of this mixture can also be taken internally at the same time. Helps in treating sore throat.
  12. Boil a handful of crushed rose petals in a glassful of water. Filter and add honey to taste, and sip it while it is still warm. It relieves soreness and pain in the throat.
  13. A gargle prepared from fenugreek seeds has been found to be a very effective remedy for treating a sore throat To prepare this gargle, two tablespoons of fenugreek seeds should be put in a litre of cold water and allowed to simmer for half an hour over a low flame. This should then be allowed to cool to a bearable temperature, strained, and then used entirely as a gargle.


Prevention tips for sore throat

  1. Quit smoking.
  2. Drink plenty of water.
  3. Avoid drinks which have alcohol and caffeine.
  4. Don’t speak too long and loudly.

Useful References

Mumps – Causes & Symptoms


Mumps or Parotitis is an acute communicable disease of viral origin. It is characterized by painful enlargement of the salivary glands and occasional involvement of the gonads, meninges, pancreas and other organs. This disease occurs more frequently in children between the ages of five and 15 years. It spreads from one child to another in schools. Babies are immune to this disease.

One attack of mumps will give immunity for life, except in rare cases. One person in ten may have a second attack. The disease is endemic in urban communities. Epidemics are relatively frequent and are confined to closely associated groups who live in orphanages, army camps or schools. The incidence of clinical mumps is higher in boys than in girls.

Mumps  Symptoms

The onset of typical parotitis is usually sudden. It may be preceded by lack of appetite, chilly sensation, feverishness, sore throat and tenderness at the angle of the jaw. The pain is first felt under one ear with stiffness of the neck and jaw. There is a slight fever which subsides in three or four days. The swelling appears first under one jaw and then extends under the other jaw. The gland becomes tender on pressure. On account of the pressure of the swelling, the patient feels much difficulty in talking, in mastication and swallowing of food.

Mumps Causes

Mumps are caused by a virus which attacks the salivary glands of the mouth, particularly the parotid glands located on each side of the face just below and in front of the ear. The infecting organism is paramyxovirus. After a person is exposed to a case of the mumps, it takes. about two weeks for the disease to appear. Improper diet is the root cause of trouble.

Mumps Treatment

The child-patient should take bed rest for several days until the temperature returns to normal He should be kept on a diet of fruit juices and other liquid foods. Orange juice diluted with warm water on 50:50 basis for few days will be especially beneficial. Other fruits and vegetables which can be used for juices are mosambi, apple, pineapple, grapes, and carrot The child should be encouraged to take warm water enema daily during this period. Hot and cold fomentations should be applied after every two hours during the day for about 10 minutes, and should consist of. two or three hot applications, followed by a cold one. The face should be cleaned with an antiseptic wash.

The patient should adopt an all fruit diet for a day or two, till the swelling has subsided and he can swallow food comfortably. Thereafter, he may gradually embark upon a well-balanced diet of natural foods, with emphasis on fresh fruits, raw and lightly­cooked vegetables and whole grain cereals.

Home Remedies For Mumps

Certain home remedies have been found beneficial in the treatment of mumps.

  1. The most important of these is the use of chebulic myrobalan (Harad or haritaki). A thick paste should be made from this herb by rubbing in water and applied over the swelling. It will. give relief.
  2. The leaves of peepal tree are also used as an effective home remedy for this disease. These leaves should be smeared with ghee and warmed over a fire. They should then be bandaged over the inflamed part.
  3. The use of the herb Indian aloe (ghee kunwar or musabbar) is a well known remedy for inflamed and painful part of the body. A part of a leaf of this herb should be peeled on one side and sprinkled with a mixture of turmeric (haldi) and extract of Indian barberry (rasaut) and bandaged over the swelling after warming .
  4. The seeds of asparagus (halon) are also valuable in mumps. The seeds combined with the seeds of fenugreek (methi) should be ground together to the consistency of a paste. This paste can be applied over the swelling .
  5. The use of dry ginger (saunth) is considered beneficial in the treatment of mumps. It should be ground to a paste and applied over the swollen parts. As the paste dries, the swelling will reduce and the pain will also subside.
  6. The leaves of margosa (neem) are also useful in the treatment of mumps. The leaves of this tree with little turmeric (haldi) should be ground into a paste and applied externally over the affected parts. It will bring good results .

Useful References

Home Remedies To Cure Laryngitis


What is Laryngitis ?

Laryngitis is an inflammation of the larynx generally associated with hoarseness or loss of voice . Laryngitis is an inflammation in the vocal cords in the larynx, has many causes. The larnyx is the organ of voice in mammals. It is commonly known as the voice box. Laryngitis is rarely serious. It usually last less than 7 days.

Laryngitis Causes

The most common cause of laryngitis is a viral infection. laryngitis does not always end when the viral infection is over. The hoarseness may continue for several days to a week or longer after the infection has been treated. Laryngitis can also be caused by a bacterial infection. Some other causes of Laryngitis includes :-

  • People who smoke.
  • Talking very loudly for excessive periods of time.
  • Singing.

Laryngitis Symptoms

The most common symptoms of laryngitis are :-

In chronic irritative laryngitis loss of voice quality with voice use, a feeling of irritation or of a lump in the throat, dryness or soreness (often worst in the morning upon wakening) may be features in addition to hoarseness. Chronic cough and wheeze brought on by exercise are signs of more advanced inflammation.

Natural Home remedies to cure Laryngitis

Some of the most common home treatments to treat with laryngitis are :-

1. Sip warm tea with lemon

This traditional remedy is often used by professional singers whose voices are about to give out. Tea contains tannic acids, which can help soothe inflamed tissues in the throat. Adding lemon to the tea will help cut through mucus, which will also help bring your voice back to normal.

2. Pour down the water

Drinking eight to twelve glasses of water a day will help lubricate the larynx, which is essential for stopping laryngitis. It’s best to drink water that’s room temperature. Water that’s too hot or too cold .can irritate the larynx even more.
When laryngitis is stealing your voice, fight back with these easy tips.

3. Settle in for a hot shower

Breathing hot, steamy air will help relax your throat and airways so you can breathe – and talk – more easily. Using a humidifier at night can also be very helpful.

Drink extra fluids, such as water, fruit juice, and tea.

4. Forget the salt water

This is one traditional remedy to skip when you have laryngitis. Gargling with salt water can dry out the throat even more. In addition, the vibrations of gargling can cause the vocal cords to slap together, which can increase the irritation.

5. Handle your voice with care

If you’ve been spending weekends cheering your daughter’s volley ball team, your vocal cords may pay the price. When you have laryngitis, it’s essential to speak quietly for awhile Of, whenever possible, not at all. And forget about whispering: It’s even harder on your vocal cords than taking in a normal voice.

6. Don’t take aspirin

Even though aspirin can help relieve the discomfort of a sore throat and laryngitis, it also slows the time it takes your body to form blood dots. Since laryngitis may be caused by minor injuries to the vocal cords, taking aspirin can actually slow the healing time.

Is Laryngitis contagious ?

Yes, Laryngitis may be contagious.


  1. Avoid smoking or avoid places where cigarettes are smoked.
  2. Avoidance of upper respiratory infections during cold and flu season may help.
  3. Drink warm liquids like hot Tang or natural honey and lemon. Helps to get rid of laryngitis.
  4. A humidifier, preferably a cool mist ultrasonic humidifier, will help. These are more expensive than the usual vaporizer, but are safer and more effective.
  5. Using good hygienic practices such as hand washing.

Useful References

Hoarseness Home Remedies and Prevention Tips


What is hoarseness?

Hoarseness is a general term that describes abnormal voice changes. Those who use their voices a great deal, or have to speak loudly most of the time, often” suffer from hoarseness. When hoarse, the voice may sound breathy, raspy, strained, or there may be changes in volume (loudness) or pitch (how high or low the voice is). The changes in sound are usually due to disorders related to the vocal folds which are the sound producing parts of the voice box (larynx). While breathing, the vocal folds remain apart. When speaking or singing, they come together, and as air leaves the lungs, they vibrate, producing sound. The more tightly the vocal folds are held and the smaller the vocal folds, the more rapidly they vibrate. More rapid vibration makes a higher voice pitch. Swelling or lumps on the vocal folds prevent them from coming together properly, which makes a change in the voice.

What are the causes of hoarseness?

Any infection of the throat, especially in the area of the larynx (voice box), will cause hoarseness, if there is any external swelling in the region of the throat, with no complaints suggestive of throat infection, it must be immediately investigated. Often, in the case of a benign or malignant growth in the thyroid glands (these are situated in front of the voice box), there may be some pressure being exerted on the nerve supplying the muscles of the larynx. This results in hoarseness, which must never be taken lightly or neglected. Some of common causes are :

  • Smoking.
  • Gastroesophageal reflux.
  • Thyroid problems.
  • Allergies in throat.

What are the symptoms?

Some of common symptoms of hoarseness includes :

Natural home remedies for the treatment of hoarseness.

  1. Take a white turnip. Slice it in circles horizontally and apply honey to the circles. Now sandwich them together. Hold firmly, arid slice longitudinally, apply honey again, and then tie them together with a clean, washed thread­not too tight, just tightly enough to hold the pieces together. Pour some more honey over them. Leave for 12-14 hours. The turnip-honey syrup will collect at the bottom of the cup. A teaspoon of this, taken thrice a day with warm water, gives remarkable relief. Even gargling with water in which turnips have been boiled is efficacious.
  2. Alternatively, a teaspoonful of onion juice, mixed with a teaspoonful of honey, is equally beneficial.
  3. Gargle with an infusion of a teaspoon each of powdered cinnamon and cardamom, mixed with a glassful of water.
  4. For relief from a chronic throat irritation, soak 2-3 dried figs and 2-3 almonds in a cup of warm water for 2-3 hours. The outer skin of the almonds softens. Remove it. Grind the almonds and figs to a fine paste. Add a teaspoon of honey to it, and drink it with a cup of warm water at bedtime. It is delicious with hot milk, but perhaps a little fattening for people who need to watch their weight.
  5. Gargle with an infusion of fennel-a teaspoon to a glass of water .
  6. Take equal quantities of liquorices and lump sugar. Grind them together and bottle the mixture. Take one-fourth to half a teaspoon at a time. Keep in the mouth, let the saliva mix with it, and swallow it slowly, a little at a time. It soothes the throat and is excellent for hoarseness of the voice. If one does not dislike the pungency of black pepper, an equal amount of it can be added. However, some find it too pungent and an irritant, instead of soothing.

What are the prevention?

Some of the common prevention tips for hoarseness includes:

  1. Quit smoking.
  2. Drink plenty of water.
  3. Don’t speak too long and loudly.
  4. Seek professional voice training.
  5. Avoid speaking or singing when your voice is injured or hoarse.
  6. Avoid drinks which have alcohol and caffeine.

Useful References

How To Get Rid of Hiccups


What is hiccups?

A hiccup is a sharp sound which due to sudden contraction of the diaphragm, followed simultaneously by a span/closure of the vocal chords. This is not a disorder to worry about, but can be very uncomfortable and tiresome while it lasts. Usually it is self limiting. Hiccups are also called hiccoughs (hih-coffs).

What are the causes of hiccups?

Hiccups are caused by an irritated nerve (the phrenic nerve) in the diaphragm. Some things that irritate the phrenic nerve which can cause the Hiccups. Here some factors which responsible for the causes of Hiccups.

  • If you eating too much or too fast, you can swallow air along with your food and end up with a case of the hiccups.
  • Drinking fluids with bubbles like soda pop can sometimes cause hiccups.
  • Drinking alcohol and emotional excitement or stress can also cause hiccups.
  • Sudden change in stomach temperature, such as drinking a hot beverage and then a cold beverage.
  • Smoking.

What are the signs and symptoms of hiccups?

You may hear a sharp, quick sound coming from your mouth. This sound is made when the hiccup spasm closes the muscles in the back of the throat as you breathe out.

Home Remedies to get rid of Hiccups

  1. Take a teaspoon each of ginger juice, honey, lime juice and a pinch of pepper. Mix them together and lick a tiny bit from a spoon, off and on. This will helps to cure hiccups.
  2. For some eating a spoonful of peanut butter stops hiccups immediately. It can work for children also.
  3. Hold your breath as long as possible, and let it go out. The lungs expand and push down on the diaphragm, stopping hiccups immediately.
  4. Slowly suck on a wedge of fresh lime.
  5. Sip warm water slowly.This helps to get rid of hiccups.
  6. Take a deep breath and hold it as long as you can. Repeat several times.
  7. Nibble fresh radish leaves – it stops hiccups. This helps to get rid of hiccups.
  8. Swallow dry bread, peanut butter, or similarly sticky substance.
  9. For recurring hiccups, suck small pieces of fresh ginger.
  10. Enage yourself in talking with somebody and do not care about hiccups. The hiccups will stop in five minutes.
  11. Take a large mouthful of water with out swallowing, plug both ears, and slowly begin to swallow the water. Unplug your ears and you’re hiccup free!

Useful References

Diphtheria – Causes, Symptoms And Home Remedies


With improved immunization programmers, one rarely hears of diphtheria in the developed world. But under developed world. But under developed or third world countries still battle with the disease, which usually occurs in the pre winter or late autumn months.

Diphtheria is an acute bacterial disease that usually affects the tonsils, throat, nose and/or skin. It is passed from person to person by droplet transmission, usually by breathing in diphtheria bacteria after an infected person has coughed, sneezed or even laughed.It can also be spread by handling used tissues or by drinking from a glass used by an infected person. Diphtheria can lead to breathing problems, heart failure, paralysis and sometimes death.

 Diphtheria Causes and Symptoms

Diphtheria is a serious infectious disease, caused by bacteria spread through droplet infection, i.e., from the nasal discharge or skin lesions of patients suffering from it. The points of entry are the nose, mouth, eyes, skin or genital mucous. It often lodges itself in the throat or in the upper respiratory tract, but causes generalized or localized symptoms because of a toxin it produces, which spreads through the bloodstream.

When diphtheria affects the nose or throat, it causes a blockage in the respiratory inflow. There is fever, loss of appetite, headache, and a sore throat, that rapidly turns into a breathing problem. The person begins breathing through the mouth, and gets more and more restless as time passes. Then the face puffs up and sometimes there is vomiting. There is also difficulty in swallowing. The diagnosis is confirmed by the presence of a membrane on the tonsils or throat surface, or nasal mucosa where the infection is lodged. The best course of action is to rush to a hospital. The toxin can be neutralized with anti-toxin, along with antibiotics and other symptomatic relief measures. Common symptoms of diphtheria includes:

Home remedies for the diphtheria

1. Garlic


Crush 2-3 cloves of garlic and give a spoonful of the juice to the patient to drink. It should be rolled in the throat and then swallowed. If a child is unable to do this, add warm water to the juice and let him sip it slowly. Repeat this every 3-4 hours. It will disintegrate the pseudo­membrane, clear the respiratory passage, and also neutralize the circulating toxins.
The essential oils in garlic contain active sulphur compounds, allyl propyl disulphide and di-allyl disulphide. These have an efficient anti microbial effect.

2. Coal

Take a common tobacco pipe, place a live coal within the bowl, drop a little tar upon the coal, and let the patient draw smoke into the mouth and discharge it through the nostrils. The remedy is safe and simple, and should be tried whenever occasion may require.

3. Castor Leaves

Castor Leaves

Make a paste of 4-5 small fresh castor leaves, a handful of drumstick leaves and 3-4 cloves of garlic. Use this to make an infusion, let the patient take inhalations, and also gargle with this water.

Useful References

Croup Symptoms, Treatment, Remedies


Croup is an inflammation of larynx, trachea and bronchi. It affects many infants and young children. In adults, the disease is called laryngitis. As the larynx is situated in the narrowest part of the throat, it obstructs the breathing and the disease may prove very serious.

Croup is characterised by the formation of a false membrane. The disease should never be ignored especially in infants as their air passages are very small.

Symptoms of the Croup

When children are affected with croup, they lose their usual cheerfulness and become irritated. There is a high pitched cracking noise with the intake of each breath. Some of them develop barking cough. They complain of a slight obtuse pain in the wind­pipe somewhat below its orifice. Slight swelling is formed on the outer side of the throat opposite the same place. It aches a little when pressed with a finger. The face seems red and looks puffed up. There is fever with hard and very quick pulse. The breathing becomes difficult, frequent and shorter. Some children are obliged to remain in bed, while others feel better at times and are able to walk about. Their voice becomes hoarse and sharp. In severe croup, fever persists with worsening coryza, sore throat, hoarseness and cough.

Causes of the Croup

The underlying cause of the disease is virus infection of the larynx, trachea and bronchi. Due to this the small upper air passage of the infant or child becomes narrow by oedema. secretions and spasm of larynx. In some cases, the cause is diptheric in origin. Influenza virus is a common cause of, croup during epidemic periods.

Sudden croup may have developed due to a foreign body in the airway or rarely be caused by spasm of the vocal cords as an effect of calcium deficiency in the blood stream occurring in severe rickets or coeliac disease.

Croup Treatment

The use of antitoxin for the treatment of this disease may apparently prove successful, but it is harmful in the long run. The disease can be prevented by following a proper diet and avoidance of indigestion and constipation.

The real treatment for this disease, as with all other fevers, is avoidance of solid foods for first few days of the treatment. The child-patient should be given only orange juice and water in small quantities so long a s the fever lasts. Co-operative children can be given warm water enema daily during this period. If a child is unwilling and. constipation is present, a glycerine-suppository may be applied.

The child with croup should be kept in bed and isolated from others. Cold-packs applied, after every two hours, to the throat will be effective. The procedure has been explained in. the Appendix.

If the child’s breathing becomes difficult and he seems to be struggling to get his breath, immediate action should be taken to provide warm, moist, air to restore the. normal humidity of the room. This can be done by boiling a pan of water on a stove in a corner of a small room, adding a few drops of eucalyptus or menthol oil. This will moisten the air and help the child to breathe more easily. In case of a older child, fill a kettle with sprout, half full of hot water, adding a little oil of eucalyptus. The child should be made to inhale steam ensuing from this water. This simple remedy helps to open the wind-pipes and relieve the congestion.

If the above treatment is faithfully carried out, the fever will run its course without any trouble and complication or serious after­effects. The child can then be placed on an all fruit diet for few days. He may eat fresh juicy fruits like apple, mango, pineapple, papaya, grapes, pear, peach and melon during this period. Thereafter he may be allowed to gradually adopt a well-balanced diet, according to his age. The emphasis should be on whole grain cereals, raw or lightly-cooked vegetables or fresh fruits.

Home Remedies For the Treatment of Croup

1. Garlic


An excellent home remedy for croup is the use of garlic. Chewing a clove Of garlic dissolves the membranes, reduces temperature and relieves the patient. About 15 gms. of garlic can be used in this way after every three or four hours for a week. After the membrane disappears, the same quantity of garlic should be chewed daily. The croup patient has no sense of taste or smell and merely finds the garlic hot.

2. Onion


Onion is another effective home remedy for croup. Onions should be roasted on hot ashes and juice extracted from them. This juice should be taken by the patient in doses of half a teaspoon mixed with equal quantity of honey three times daily.

Useful References