10 Effective Home Remedies To Treat Intestinal Worms

Worms (Intestinal Parasites)

Worms are parasites that live in the gastrointestinal tract. The most common types of worms are roundworms (including ascarids, hookworms, pinworms, and threadworms) and tapeworms. Roundworms are contagious intestinal parasites that are shaped like earthworms but smaller in size. They can easily be seen with the naked eye. Pinworms are white, threadlike worms about one-third inch long. Tapeworms vary in length from an inch up to thirty feet and can survive for up to twenty-five years in the body. In the United States, pinworm infestation in young children is by far the most prevalent parasitic worm problem.

Depending on the type of worm involved and the severity of the infestation, there may be a variety of symptoms. In some cases, there may be no perceptible symptoms at all. In some cases, worms may be seen in the stool.

Pinworms can cause severe anal itching (especially at night, as the worms tend to migrate outside the anus to lay their eggs), insomnia, and restlessness. Hookworms can cause itching on the soles of the feet, and in some cases, bloody sputum, fever, rash, and loss of appetite. Thread­worms can cause coughing or bronchitis, abdominal pain, diarrhea, and gas, preceded by tiny red abrasions that sometimes itch. Small tapeworms can cause weight and ap­petite loss, abdominal pain, vomiting, and diarrhea. Large tapeworms can cause similar symptoms, but usually without weight loss. Ascariasis, caused by ascarids, is characterized by bloating, stomach pain, vomiting, and difficulty breathing. Trichinosis is a disease caused by a microscopic roundworm that, if left untreated, can lead to muscle damage and cardiac or neurologic complications.

Worm infestations can range from mild to severe, even life threatening, particularly in children. They result in poor absorption of essential nutrients, and in some cases, loss of blood from the gastrointestinal tract. They can therefore lead to such deficiency-related disorders as anemia and growth problems. Malabsorption resulting from parasitic infection makes one susceptible to many diseases because it results in diminished immune function.

Worms can be contracted through a variety of mechanisms, including improper disposal of human or animal waste, walking barefoot on contaminated soil, and ingestion of eggs or larvae from uncooked or partially cooked meat. In some cases, eggs may become airborne and be inhaled.

Parasites are more common than most people suppose, and they can be behind many illnesses, including colon disorders. They are more common in children than in adults. They are also common in people with AIDS, chronic fatigue syndrome, candidiasis, and many other disorders. Unfortunately, physicians often do not check for worm infestation.

The following are the routes through which different types of worms can enter the body:-
  • Ascarids: Through the soil; or in contaminated raw or under cooked food.
  • Hookworms and thread worms: Through the feet or drinking water.
  • Pinworms: Eggs can be transferred by touch from an infected individual that has eggs on the fingers from scratching the affected area.
  • Tapeworms: In raw or under cooked beef, fish, or pork, or through inadvertently swallowing infested fleas or lice that live on pets.

Home Remedies For Worms in Human (Intestinal Parasites)

1. Bitter Gourd

Bitter Gourd

Fry 5-10 seeds of bitter gourd ( Karela ) in a little ghee. Take 2-3 times a day.

2. Aloe Vera


Aloe vera juice, taken twice daily as directed on the product label, has an alkalinizing and anti-inflammatory effect.

3. Carrot


1 cup of grated Carrot eaten in the morning 1 hour before breakfast for 4-5 days.

4.  Calendula

Calendula ointment or witch hazel can be used to help relieve anal itching and irritation.

5. Cranberries

Eat cranberries or papayas frequently. Fasting on raw pineapples for three days kills tapeworm. Cranberries, papaya and fresh pineapple contain enzymes that are anti-parasitic.

6. Grapefruit


Grapefruit seed extract is very effective for destroying parasites. It can be taken internally and is also good for washing vegetables before eating (mix 10 drops of extract in 2 quarts of water) to remove any bacteria or parasites.

9. Cloves


Use cloves with every meal. It will help kill the eggs from parasites in the intestinal tract.

10. Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple Cider Vinegar

Drink 2 tsp of apple cider vinegar in a glass of water to prevent worms.

Note:- Herbal Remedies work best on an empty stomach.

Diet in Intestinal Parasites

  1. Eat a high-fiber diet consisting primarily of raw vegetables and whole grains.
  2. Eat pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds, and figs (or drink fig juice) on an empty stomach three times per day.
  3. Drink only filtered or bottled steam-distilled water.
  4. Drink plenty of papaya juice.
  5. For pinworms, eat bitter melon, a cucumber-shaped vegetable found in Asian markets. This is effective against pinworms and is a good immune system strengthener. Eat one or two melons a day for seven to ten days. Do this again after two months to ensure that the infestation has not returned.

Useful References

Kwashiorkor: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment


Kwashiorkor is a disease that is caused by severe malnutrition. It mostly affects children. It is one that seems to be prevalent in nations that are not fully developed yet, because where famine is quite common.

People who live in more highly industrialized nations such as the United States, Canada, or France may just simply refer to Kwashiorkor as “malnutrition.” Mainly this disease is the physical manifestation of starvation, which occurs over an extended period-or for way to long by most peoples’ standards!

About Its Discovery

Kwashiorkor was first discovered in the 1930s while studies in Ghana were being conducted. It is learned that the longer this condition remains untreated the worse the problem gets. The identification of this condition, however, was one of the milestones of putting a stop to it.

At first, this condition causes severe physical disabilities. A breakdown of the immune system also takes place, and sadly in the worse case scenario even innocent children end up dying from this condition.

Since then, major efforts have been made to be able to address this problem. A variety of medical and nutritional efforts is currently being made. Much of this is made possible via the support of generous donations from people who live around the world.

Further Explanation

This condition is identified by a variety of attributes. One of the most evident of these of course is a protein deficiency, which of course leads to muscle deficiency. This may not take place while a mother is breastfeeding provided she is fed well during pregnancy.

However, as a child becomes old enough to eat solid food he or she cannot survive on milk alone. That of course is very obvious. The amino acids present in breast milk can only sustain a child for so long.

One of the main reasons for protein deficiency (of course) is diet. People in financial poor countries eat mostly starchy foods such as rice or bread. They often do not take in the fruits and vegetables needed by the body to sustain it.

To make a long story short they do not receive enough variety of nutrients because they are not eating enough of a variety of foods. This can be a major problem.

Kwashiork Symptoms

Signs of this advanced stage of malnutrition include the following:

  • Swollen belly and accumulated body fluids
  • Lethargy,
  • Decelerated growth
  • Blood issues such as anemia
  • Premature hair loss
  • Eventually severe illness or death


Proper diet is really the only way to avoid this problem from occurring, and the main way to treat it. Hopefully, children-and even adults-can be saved before this condition breaks down the entire immune system.

Otherwise, affect individuals could become susceptible to a wide variety of sicknesses and diseases. The reason why is because when a person is not eating the right foods the body’s ability to defend itself against attack of illness is diminished.

Of course, if at all possible it is best if the world continues to reach out to children who are starving. Otherwise, they will eventually starve to death.

Useful References

Venereal Diseases – Causes, Symptoms And Home Remedies

Venereal Diseases

What is Venereal Diseases?

There has been an alarming increase in venereal or sexually transmitted diseases (V.D. or S.T.D.) due to promiscuity and free sex. These diseases are caused by bacteria and germs and can become very serious if not treated properly and early. The most common diseases in this category are syphilis and gonorrhea.

Syphilis is probably one of the oldest diseases of the human race. Sexual contact is the commonest way in which this diseases is spread through a community. But many of those who contract the disease are innocent. Little children are sometimes born with, this disease. It may also be transmitted from one person to another by kissing or handling infected clothing or other articles.

Venereal Diseases Symptoms and Causes

Syphilis usually begins as a small ulceraing type of lesion which may occur anywhere in the body, the most common sites being the penis, the vulva or in the vagina. Violent or rough sex behavior often results in abrasions and thus the virus comes in direct contact with the blood.

Gonorrhea is usually transmitted by sexual contact. An acute inflammation of the male urethra or the vagina of the female due to infection through pus by the gonorrhea germs is known as gonorrhea. A person having a high degree of toxemia and a low vitality may develop this condition with the slightest secretion. A clean blood stream and a high vitality on the other hand may protect one from this disease.

The wise plan, however, is to avoid all chances of infection. The common chance is the sexual act in which one of the partners has this disease. Sometimes it may be contracted through other sources or it may be hereditary.

Gonorrhea is a more difficult disease to identify than syphilis. About two thirds of women with this disease have no symptoms at all or at most very trivial ones which may be passed off as an apparently harmless vaginal discharge. The usual symptom in the male is a discharge from the tip of the penis.

If the disease is neglected or Improperly treated, it may spoil the entire blood stream which may produce gonorrheal rheumatism and cause affection of the eyes. Proper treatment is, therefore, highly important soon after the occurrence of the infection.

Treatment of Venereal Diseases

Syphilis and gonorrhea are quite amenable to successful treatment by proper dietary and other natural methods, leaving no ill effects to mar the future life and happiness of their victims. Suppressive drugs employed by the modern medical system in the treatment simply halts the active manifestations of the diseases in the victim’s system for the time being. The disease poisons and the metallic drugs used are still left in the patient’s system and these have a most destructive effect upon the tissues and structures of the body, especially upon the nervous tissues.

Home Remedies for Venereal Diseases

  1. Amaranth is considered highly beneficial in the treatment of gonorrhea. About 25 gm’s of the leaves of this vegetable should be given twice or thrice a day to the patient in Venereal Diseases.
  2. Vegetable juices are highly beneficial in the treatment of venereal diseases. Juices which are particularly helpful include those of carrot, cucumber, beet and spinach. The patient may make liberal use of carrot juice either in combination with spinach juice or cucumber and beet.
  3. Fresh juice of the flowers of the drumstick is very useful in the treatment of gonorrhea. For better results, this juice should be given twice daily with tender coconut water. It acts as a diuretic tonic medicine in Venereal diseases.
  4. A decoction of fresh lady’s fingers has also been found useful in treating gonorrhea. A cupful of mucilage of lady’s fingers is mixed with a ripe banana and a glassful of buttermilk. This mixture is a very effective remedy for gonorrhea. Four capsules of lady’s finger are cut into 2.5 cm. pieces and are boiled in quarter litre of water for about 15 minutes. After cooling the pieces are squeezed and the mucilage is extracted and strained through a muslin cloth.

Useful References

Thyrotoxicosis – Symptoms and Treatment


Thyrotoxicosis is a rare disease. However, it is worth mentioning because it affects enough people that need to be treated. Some people may not even know they experience this condition, and this article can alert them of the possibility so they can receive correct diagnosis and treatment.


The major sign of this disease is depression. However, this alone of course does not determine whether a person is affected. This is a more specific of symptoms associated with this uncommon condition:

  • Rapid weight loss (even when eating more)
  • Racing heartbeat
  • Excessive nervousness
  • Emotional instability
  • Heightened sensitivity to heat
  • Extreme sweating
  • Bulging eyes
  • Swollen thyroid gland

Further Explanation

Thyrotoxicosis is a disease very closely related to hyperthyroidism, which usually is identified by the symptoms mentioned above. These are the signs that a doctor looks for when determining whether the problem has already lead to the onslaught of Thyrotoxicosis or not.

This condition as well as hyperthyroidism are two that deeply affect metabolism levels. An additional sign of either one of these conditions would probably be that a person is tired all the time. They might also feel weak, not be able to sleep, and so on.

Sometimes it might take several appointments to make sure this is the problem and it is not another condition, such as chronic fatigue syndrome. It could be any number of other problems that a person is experiencing as well.

Therefore, prepare to take several tests. One of the most important ones will probably be a blood test. Of course, your vital signs (as always) will be monitored while a diagnosis is being sought.


A doctor usually offers an effective treatment of thyrotoxicosis. This medical professional can help the affected patient decide on the best course of action needed to address this condition.

Usually this requires full cooperation with medical staff. This involves sharing personal medical history, revealing any existing health complications, and alerting your doctor of any medications or supplements you currently take.

Most patients take a medication that helps them immensely. In most cases, patients are able to resume their normal life while being treated.

In some cases, surgery might be a viable solution to help correct this problem. However this solution is not available everywhere. Another option is the use of injections so a pill does not have to be taken every day.

Again, the course of treatment taken depends upon your current health condition. Then, availability and legality of procedures used to correct this issue are also a consideration.

Additional Advice

If you are not happy with the way your doctor is dealing with your situation, you can always seek a second opinion. You also may need to have a complete physical examination to confirm what the real problem is.

Useful References

6 Ways To Remove A Splinter At Home


What is Splinters?

Splinters are pieces of wood, glass, metal, or other matter that get caught under the skin. Splinters tend to hurt if they are stuck deep under the skin. Those near the top of the skin are usually painless. Remove splinters so they don’t cause an infection. The problem is known medically as a soft tissue foreign body.

Small skin splinters and fingernail, or toenail splinters, can be painful, but these can usually be removed at home. Large or deep splinters, or splinters in the eye or mouth, are best removed by a medical professional.

Splinters Causes

Some of the common causes of Splinters are :-

  • Butchers may end up with a small splinter of bone penetrating their skin.
  • The protective thorns of plants may cause splinters in gardeners.
  • The foot is usually injured when a person steps on a foreign body or slides forward (some examples would be walking on a rough wooden deck or boardwalk or stepping on shards of glass). Some splinters in the feet may become deeply lodged.
  • The trouble can be caused by a wood splinter, a sliver of metal or glass.
  • Handling an object may cause a small portion to dislodge as the person applies friction to that object (examples would be woodworking, metalworking, or falling and sliding on wooden floors).

Signs and Symptoms of Splinters

Usually, a splinter is fairly obvious. You feel pain and a sense that a foreign body is embedded in the skin. There will be an opening in the skin where the object entered. The splinter itself may or may not be visible. The area may bleed, bruise, swell, or cause pain. It may remain sore for 2 to 3 days after the object is removed.


Home Remedies For Splinters

The amazing thing about a splinter is that such a tiny thing can hurt so much. You can’t ignore them because they often get infected and hurt even more. And getting or removing them out by digging with a needle often makes things worse. To remove splinters without the pain, here some home remedy :-

  1. Soak your skin. Before removing a splinter, it’s a good idea to soak the area in warm water for ten or fifteen minutes. Water makes the wood softer and also causes it to swell. In some cases this will cause the splinters to pop out on its own. Even when it doesn’t it’s much easier to remove a splinter when the skin is soft and pliable.
  2. Grease it out. One traditional technique for removing splinters is to smear on a little bit of bacon fat and then cover it with an adhesive strip.
    In a day or two, the splinters will often be gone. Bacon fat contains a lot of salt, which draws moisture from the skin and which may draw the splinter out as well.
  3. Apply a little ice. To quickly ease the pain of a splinters, apply an ice cube for a few minutes. This will help numb the area, making the splinter easier to remove.
  4. Spray on some relief. Another way to numb the pain is to give a spritz with an over the counter first aid spray. As a bonus, these sprays will helps disinfect the area so that it’s less likely to get infected.
  5. To retrieve any residual pieces of wood, cover a cotton swab or piece of gauze with household glue and place in on the skin. Let the glue dry, and then remove the gauze. The splinter should come out.
  6. Use the right tweezers. It’s not always easy to get a grip on a splinter with tweezers. You’ll have better success if you use tweezers that have ridges or grooves on the end, which will improve with little rubbing alcohol. Grab the splinter as close to skin as possible and pull firmly. Do your best to remove the splinter at the same angle as it entered the skin, which will helps prevent it from breaking off inside. When you’re done, swab a little rubbing alcohol on the skin to disinfect it, or at least wash the area well with soap and water.

You may need medical care if the splinter :-

  • If splinter in the eye.
  • Broke off and part of it remains in the wound or if you are uncertain if the splinter has been removed.
  • If splinter is very large.
  • A splinter under a fingernail may be impossible to remove at home. Unless removed, it almost always becomes infected.
  • If splinter is deeply embedded in the skin.


  1. Wear shoes at all times and whenever you walk on unfinished floors.
  2. Wear work gloves when you handle plants with thorns, sharp tips, or spines.

Useful References

7 Effective Home Remedies To Stop Sneezing


Alternative name :: Sternutation

What is Sneezing?

Sneezing is the body’s way of removing irritants. It’s nat painful ar socially unacceptable. It’s even annoying – if you do it occasionally. But when your ‘achoos’ are earning an cue, you know there’s much sneezing going on.

Sneezing is your body’s way of cleaning out the passages and discharging irritating particles like dust pollen. But when you have a cold ar allergies, non-stop sneezing can make your nasal passages sore and irritated. Some people even get nosebleeds from non-stop sneezing. People with allergies sneeze because they release irritant chemicals like histamine into the nose when they come into contact with allergens they are sensitive to, such as dust mite, animals or pollen.

Common Causes of Sneezing

  • Allergy to pollen
  • Virus infections ( common cold )
  • Corticosteroid inhalation

Sneezing Symptoms

Some of the common symptoms of sneezing are :-



Home Remedies For Sneezing

  1. Neutralize the problem with nettle :- This herbal remedy has been shown to ease inflammation in the nasal passages and help reduce congestion that can lead to sneezing. Same people make nettle teas, but an easier solution is to take nettle supplements, available at health food stores. Following the directions an the label, you can take them whenever your nose starts getting a little twitchy.
  2. Pour a glass of orange juice :- Along with other citrus fruits and a variety of fruits and vegetables, orange juice is very rich in vitamin C, which may help relive sneezing by reducing the amount of histamine your body releases.
  3. Put more vegetables on the menu :- Fruits and many vegetables are rich sources of bioflavonoids. These are natural chemicals, which, like vitamin C, can curtail the body’s production of sneeze-causing histamine.
  4. Sneeze-proof your home :- Your best natural remedy against sneezing is to scrub your house clean of allergens. Doctors recommend vacuuming, mopping, and dusting as often as possible, which will help eliminate the dust that causes sneezing. It’s also a good idea to scour bathrooms and basements, which after harbor large amounts of sneeze-causing molds. You may want to wash rugs , pillows, and stuffed animals once a week to wash away allergy-causing particles before they cause problems.
  5. Clean your mattresses and bedding :-Evidence has shown that microscopic skin flakes, called dander, often cause sneezing and other allergy symptoms. The best way to get rid of these particles is to wash your sheets and pillow cases once a week. Many people find that covering the mattress with a plastic cover and wiping it down once a week will also help stop sneezing.
  6. Give your cat a bath :- Millions of people are allergic to cats – and, less often, to dogs. Studies have shown that washing your pet once a week can dramatically decrease the amount of sneeze-causing allergens that get into the air – and, of course, into your nose. At the very least you may want to keep your pets out of the bedroom. Spending even just eight hours a day away from their allergy-causing particles may help you sneeze less often the rest of the time.
  7. Take an antihistamine :- These over-the-counter medicines are very effective at blocking your body’s production of histamine. You don’t want to take them all the time, but if your sneezing seems to be seasonal – as it often is in people with allergies – taking antihistamines during flare-ups will give you some much-needed relief.

Useful References

Salpingitis: Symptoms, Causes & Treatment


What is Salpingitis?

Salpingitis is the inflammation of the fallopian tubes. The fallopian tubes extend from the uterus, one on each side, and both open near an ovary. Salpingitis is one of the most common causes of female infertility. If salpingitis is not promptly treated, the infection may permanently damage the fallopian tube so that the eggs released each menstrual cycle can’t meet up with sperm.

Salpingitis is one of the most common causes of female infertility. Without prompt treatment, the infection may permanently damage the fallopian tube so that the eggs released each menstrual cycle can’t meet up with sperm.

Types of Salpingitis

There are two types of salpingitis :-

  • Acute salpingitis :- In acute salpingitis, the fallopian tubes become red and swollen, and secrete extra fluid so that the inner walls of the tubes often stick together. The tubes may also stick to nearby structures such as the intestines. Sometimes, a fallopian tube may fill and bloat with pus. In rare cases, the tube ruptures and causes a dangerous infection of the abdominal cavity (peritonitis)
  • Chronic salpingitis usually follows an acute attack. The infection is milder, longer lasting and may not produce many noticeable symptoms.

Salpingitis Symptoms

The symptoms of salpingitis may includes :-

Causes of Salpingitis

Salpingitis is caused by a bacterial infection. The common types of bacteria that cause salpingitis are: Mycoplasma, Staphylococcus, and Streptococcus. However, it can also be caused by sexually transmitted diseases such as gonorrhea and chlamydia.

Treatment of Salpingitis

The treatment of salpingitis rests on the administration of antibiotics (often for periods of several weeks). The antibiotics selected are targeted to attack the most likely organism, and often provide broad coverage to include may different possible microbes. The sexual partner should obviously be evaluated, screened and treated appropriately, ensuring compliance with all medication and abstinence from sexual relations during the treatment period so as to prevent re-infection. Treatment depends on the severity of the condition, but may includes :-

  • Antibiotics – to kill the infection, which is successful in around 85 per cent of cases.
  • Hospitalisation – including intravenous administration of antibiotics.
  • Surgery – if the condition resists drug treatment.

Complications of Salpingitis

Without treatment, salpingitis can cause a range of complications, including :-

  • Ectopic pregnancy.
  • Infection to nearby structures, such as the ovaries or uterus.
  • Infertility.
  • Infection of sex partners – the woman’s partner or partners may contract the bacteria and become infected too.

Useful References

6 Effective Home Remedies For Restless Leg Syndrome

Restless Leg Syndrome

What is Restless Leg Syndrome ?

Restless legs syndrome (RLS) is a sleep disorder in which a person has unpleasant feelings or sensations in the legs. These feelings are described as creeping, crawling, tingling, pulling, or painful. Moving your legs is great exercise, but most people do it during the day. For those with restless leg syndrome, however, their legs really get moving at night, and that can be a real problem.

Doctors aren’t sure what causes restless leg syndrome but the symptoms are well-known. Shortly after going bed, people with this condition will begin having ache in their legs. Some people describe a pins-and-need sensation. Others say they feel as though bugs are running around underneath the skin. The sensations can maddening, and the only way to get relief is to twitch kick the legs, or get up and walk around. And this go on all night.

Restless Leg Syndrome Causes

In most cases, the cause of Restless Leg Syndrome is unknown. A family history of the condition is seen in approximately 50 percent of such cases, suggesting a genetic form of the disorder. Some of the common causes of Restless Leg Syndrome includes :-

  • Chronic diseases such as kidney failure, diabetes, Parkinson’s disease, and peripheral neuropathy are associated with RLS. Treating the underlying condition often provides relief from Restless Leg Syndrome symptoms.
  • People with low iron levels or anemia may be prone to developing Restless Leg Syndrome . Once iron levels or anemia is corrected, patients may see a reduction in symptoms.
  • Some women get Restless Leg Syndrome during pregnancy, especially in the last 3 months. But the symptoms usually go away about 4 weeks after having the baby.


Restless Leg Syndrome Symptoms

The only thing that seems to relieve the discomfort is to move the legs, stretching them or getting up and walking around on them. Unfortunately, this interrupts the sleep cycle, so people with Restless Leg Syndrome are often very tired from lack of sleep. Restless Leg Syndrome symptoms are not the same for every person. Some common symptoms of Restless Leg Syndrome includes :-

  • Having leg and sometimes arm movements when sleeping that you can’t control.
  • Sleepiness or tiredness during the day.
  • Leg discomfort that occurs and gets worse when lying down or sitting for long periods of time. Long car trips, sitting in the movies, long-distance flights, and having a cast on can trigger RLS.
  • Unpleasant or uncomfortable feelings or sensations in the legs often described as creeping, crawling, tingling, pulling or painful, often producing an irresistible urge to move the legs.

Home Remedies for Restless Leg Syndrome

Restless leg syndrome isn’t dangerous, but it can badly disrupt your sleep – as well as that of your bedmate. To keep your legs a little calmer. Here are some home remedies for Restless Leg Syndrome.

  1. Give your muscles a rub. When your legs tingle at night, reach down and give them a vigorous massage. It won’t prevent the problem, but it may ease the ,discomfort.
  2. Take a warm bath. Taking a warm bath before bedtime can help ease the discomfort of restless legs. In fact, anything you can do to relax your body and mind may help your legs stay calmer.
  3. Teach your legs to relax. Some people have found that a technique called progressive relaxation, in which each of the body’s muscles are relaxed one at a time, can help ease restless legs. Here’s how it works. While you’re lying in bed, breathe deeply for a few minutes. Then, starting at your feet and working upward to your head, tense each muscle for a few seconds, then relax slowly. Take your time. By time you’ve reached the top of your head, your whole body will feel warm and relaxed and your legs may be less restless, as well.
  4. Taking supplements to increase iron and magnesium in the body.
  5. Slow down on the stimulants. Drinking coffee or alcohol near bedtime can rev up your entire body, including the muscles and nerves in the legs. Doctors have found that some people with restless legs get significant relief when they give up coffee, cola and other caffeine containing foods and drinks.
  6. Work out the Calisthenics exercise.

Useful References

8 Natural Remedies To Cure Osteoporosis At Home


Alternate Names : Thin Bones

What is Osteoporosis ?

Osteoporosis is a disease in which bones become fragile and more likely to break. If not prevented or if left untreated, osteoporosis can progress painlessly until a bone breaks. These broken bones, also known as fractures, occur typically in the hip, spine, and wrist.

As a woman ages, and begins edging toward menopause, she produces less estrogen, the hormone that helps control the rate at which calcium is reabsorbed into the bones. As estrogen levels fall, the bones may begin giving up more calcium than they take in. As a result, they get softer, weaker, and more prone to fractures.

Doctors call this osteoporosis. While men also get osteoporosis, they suffer from it much less than women. Doctors estimate that osteoporosis is responsible for about a third of all hip and vertebral fractures in people fifty years and older. It also causes back pain and, in some cases, a stooped posture as bones in the spine weaken and collapse.

Facts and Figures of Osteoporosis

Over 8 million Americans – one and a half million are subjected to life threatening fractures every year. 20% who endure hip fractures die from complications within a year; 60% become dependant on constant help in their daily lives. It is not strictly a women’s disease, though 85% of victims are women.

Osteoporosis Causes

Various factors are known to increase the rate at of osteoporosis. The main conditions that can lead to osteoporosis are :-

  • Family history of osteoporosis.
  • Smoking.
  • Increased alcohol intake.
  • Steroid drug treatment, particularly if prolonged more than a few weeks.
  • Vitamin D deficiency.

Osteoporosis Symptoms

Osteoporosis is often called “the silent disease” because in the early stages you usually do not have symptoms. As the disease progresses, you may develop symptoms related to weakened bones, including :-

  • Neck pain.
  • A curved upper back (dowager’s hump).
  • Loss of height over time.
  • Back pain.
  • Fractures of the vertebrae, wrists, or hips (usually the first indication).

When to see the doctor?

Osteoporosis is a very serious condition that should always be under a physician’s care. Women going through menopause are especially at risk of developing osteoporosis. Other things that can increase your risk include surgery to remove the ovaries, smoking, heavy drinking, not getting enough calcium, or taking medications such as steroids. If you have any of these risk factors and haven’t been checked for osteoporosis, it’s probably time to make an appointment just to be safe.



Home Medication For Osteoporosis

Once you have osteoporosis, it can be very difficult to reverse. But it’s easy to prevent, mainly by making simple changes in your diet and lifestyle. Here some natural home remedies for the treatment of osteoporosis :-

1. Don’t forget the D

Vitamin D

Your body needs vitamin D in order to absorb calcium. This is perhaps the easiest nutrient to get. All you have to do is spend a little time outdoors. Vitamin D is called the “sunshine vitamin” because your body produces it naturally whenever sunshine touches your skin. You can also get vitamin D by drinking fortified milk.

2. Concentrate on calcium

The most important thing you can do to prevent and treat osteoporosis is to get more calcium. All women should get at least 1,000 milligrams of calcium a day. Women who are past menopause need even more, about 1,500 milligrams a day. Most women don’t get anywhere near those amounts, and that’s unfortunate because it’s very easy to get all the calcium you need in your diet.
Dairy foods are the best sources of calcium. A cup of skim milk, for example, has over 300 milligrams calcium. A cup of yogurt has a lot more, about milligrams. Cheese is also good. A serving of mozzar, cheese, for example, has over 180 milligrams of calcium. Even if you’re not a big fan of dairy foods, there are plenty of other places to get calcium. Fortified orange juice, contains about as much calcium as an equal serving of milk. You can also get a lot of calcium in leafy green vegetables, like broccoli.

3. Drinking too much coffee


A study of 84,484 patients showed a correlation between bone fractures and heavy coffee consumption.

4. Exercise regularly

Doctors at one time hesitated before recommending exercise to post-menopausal women because it was thought that vigorous activity might Increase the risk of fractures in already weak bones. Experts now know, however, that regular exercise ­ especially weight-bearing exercise, such as walking and lifting weights – can actually cause the bones to take in more calcium, making them thicker and stronger. Swimming is a great exercise because it puts virtually no stress on already weakened bones.

5. Cut back on colas

Colas and other soft drinks contain a substance called phosphoric acid, which can speed the removal of calcium from your bones.

6. Consider hormone replacement

Although it’s not for everyone, some women past menopause will benefit from taking supplemental estrogen. Increasing the amount of estrogen in your body will vastly improve the bones’ ability to absorb more calcium.

7. Excess salt and sugar consumption in junk foods, which leach calcium from the bones into the urine.

8. Ask your doctor about supplements

If you’re not getting enough calcium in your diet, your doctor may recommend that you take calcium supplements, which will easily provide all you need.

Osteoporosis Prevention

Ideally, osteoporosis is a condition that should be prevented from occurring, but this is unrealistic given our present state of knowledge and ability to influence it. Here some prevention tips :-

  1. Taking regular exercise is the single most important action anyone can take to improve the strength of their bones.
  2. Stopping smoking should be a priority for anyone interested in enjoying a longer life and keeping away from orthopedic wards.
  3. Alcohol consumption should also be kept within safe limits.
  4. A good calcium intake is essential throughout life for healthy bones.

Useful References

Mittelschmerz (Painful Ovulation)


Alternative names :: Ovulation pain, Midcycle pain, Mittelschmerz ovulation

What is Mittelschmerz ?

Mittelschmerz (MITT-ul-shmurz) means “”middle pain.” It strikes some women when the ovary releases an egg into the tube leading to the uterus (womb). This occurs about 2 weeks before your period. It can cause pain and cramping; but it is not serious and usually goes away after about 6 to 8 hours.

Mittelschmerz is one-sided lower-abdominal pain that occurs in women at or around the time of ovulation. In Mittelschmerz the fluid and blood released when the ovum bursts out of the ovary may cause discomfort. Blood is very irritating to the tissues lining the abdominal cavity and could be responsible for the midcycle pain.

Mittelschmerz is a mild pressure or twinge lasting a few hours. About 20% of women experience mittelschmerz, or pain associated with ovulation. The pain may occur just before, during, or after ovulation. Mittelschmerz may be felt on one side one month, then switch to the opposite side the next month, or it may be felt on the same side for several months in succession.

Mittelschmerz Causes

About 20% of women experience mittelschmerz, or pain associated with ovulation. The pain may occur just before, during, or after ovulation. There are several explanations for the cause of this pain. Some of the common causes of Mittelschmerz includes :-

  • An egg being released from an ovary.
  • Just prior to ovulation, follicle growth may stretch the surface of the ovary, causing pain.
  • At the time of ovulation, fluid or blood is released from the ruptured egg follicle and may cause irritation of the abdominal lining.

Mittelschmerz Symptoms

Some of the Symptoms of Mittelschmerz are :-

  • Lower-abdominal pain that is typically lasting minutes to a few hours, but may extend as long as 24-48 hours.
  • May switch sides from month to month or from one episode to another.
  • Some women feel sick to their stomach and note some spotting of blood from the vagina.
  • Recurrent or with similar pain in past.
  • Lower-abdominal pain that is One-sided.

Mittelschmerz Treatment

No treatment is usually necessary. Pain relievers (analgesics) may be needed in cases of prolonged or intense pain. Some the steps should be taken if pain continues for long times talk to your doctor. In the mean time some treatment can be taken.

  • Try a heating pad set on low or sit in a warm bath.
  • Drink plenty of fluids.
  • Do not take any laxatives or pain killers unless ordered by your doctor.
  • Rest until you feel better.

Prevention for Mittelschmerz

Hormonal forms of contraception can be taken to prevent ovulation and therefore ovulatory pain — but otherwise there is no known prevention.

Useful References