Where to Buy HGH Online

Jose is looking for an HGH supplement product to boost his natural hormone levels. He has noticed that his workout gains have slowed down. That is why he thinks his HGH level might be too low. Jose consults his doctor, who orders a blood test. Looking at the results, Jose’s doctor tells him that his HGH level is a bit low. Jose worries that HGH injections might be too expensive. He is also concerned about possible side effects. Therefore, Jose’s doctor says he should consider supplements designed to help his body produce more HGH. Eventually, Jose decides to buy HGH online, so after some searching, he finds AgeForce.

AgeForce and HGH

AgeForce produces several supplements that may help people with low HGH. This can help build, repair, and maintain muscle gains. Furthermore, it may help improve energy, exercise sessions, and results. It may also speed up recovery from certain injuries. These factors can help to improve metabolism and burn excess fat. Another benefit is that HGH may also help improve the appearance and overall health of the skin.

On the other hand, low levels of HGH can cause many symptoms. These include depression, anxiety, male pattern baldness, and decreased muscle mass. They may also include memory problems, dry or thin skin, decreased libido, and fatigue. It is possible that natural HGH supplements can ease many of these symptoms.

[ Read: Aging and HGH ]

Jose Is Ecstatic

Jose turned to the AgeForce HGH PowerPatch to help boost his HGH level. Since starting the HGH PowerPatch, he has noticed that exercise is easier. His workouts also produce better results. He is surprised by how good his results are and, therefore, tells his friends about how well AgeForce HGH has worked for him.

AgeForce HGH Supplements

AgeForce has a wide array of products created to help increase your natural levels of HGH. Our HGH Secretagogue and HGH PowerPatch formulas raise HGH levels without injections. These skin patches provide essential nutrients. Consequently, these help your body produce more HGH on its own, by working to improve the health of the pituitary gland. HGH patches can be left on your skin throughout the day for total convenience.

AgeForce products are the best legal supplement products available if you want to buy HGH online. That is why satisfied customers from all over turn to AgeForce’s HGH supplement line to help a variety of problems and conditions. With AgeForce HGH supplements, you can feel confident that you are getting the best legal HGH products sold anywhere.


Anthocyanins, bioflavonoids, cha/ones, flavones, flavanols, flavonones, isoflavonoids

Plants contain compounds called flavonoids that give them their characteristic colors and hues. The term “flavonoid” is derived from the Latin word “flavus” which means “yellow,” for one of the colors seen in some higher orders of plant species.

The presence of flavonoids was first detected in the 1930s by Albert Szent-Gyorgi, a Hungarian-born American biochemist. Szent-Gyorgi won a Nobel prize in medicine for his pioneering work on vitamin C. He originally named flavonoids “vitamin P.” One of the first substances that Szent-Gyorgi found containing a flavonoid was in the rinds of citrus fruits, which he named citrin. He found that combining citrin with vitamin C enhanced its absorption and strengthened vitamin C’s antioxidant properties. He also discovered that this compound helped strengthen blood vessels, especially the capillaries, and aided in the prevention of capillary fragility. Although not considered essential in the same manner as vitamins, flavonoids play a major role in health maintenance.

Flavonoids are found in a wide range of foods, including citrus, soy, green tea, tomatoes, apples, and grapes. Over 4,000 flavonoids have been identified to date.

Reported uses

Flavonoids can be considered antioxidants, which are compounds that guard against the destructive forces produced by substances known as free radicals. Free radicals are molecules that lack electrons, which makes them unstable; such molecules try to stabilize themselves by stealing an electron from nearby molecules, thereby rendering stable molecules unstable and causing radical change to the cell. This mutation of the cell has now been linked to such conditions as cancer, arthritis, blood transport disorders, cardiovascular disease, and allergies. The bulk of the research has focused on the properties and efficacy of bilberry, green tea, oligomeric proanthocyanidins (OPCs), quercetin, and soy.


Bilberry (Vaccinium myrtillus), also known as European blueberry, contains potent flavonoids known as anthocyanosides. These compounds help to stabilize connective tissue by increasing the integrity of the collagen matrix and the production of collagen, and by preventing the destruction of collagen connective tissue around blood vessels. Collagen is a fibrous structural protein that can be found in all parts of the body. It’s also dispersed in the vitreous liquid of the eye to form a gel that helps maintain the proper stiffness and shape of the eye. The antioxidant effects of bilberry can be seen when it’s used in the treatment of ophthalmic disorders such as glaucoma and night blindness. In glaucoma, bilberry increases the tensile strength and integrity of the collagen, which may decrease intraocular pressure. Night blindness may also be helped by bilberry’s anthocyanosides, which speed up the regeneration of the rods in the retina of the eye. The rods help with night vision and low light adaptation.

Green tea

Green tea contains flavonoids and antioxidants called polyphenols, which may guard against progression of certain cancers. It’s suggested that green tea’s antimutagenic and anticarcinogenic characteristic may be based on its action of blocking cell membrane receptors and suppressing nitrosamine production.

Green tea may also lower total cholesterol levels and LDL cholesterol oxidation. It may not be appropriate for certain patients because it contains caffeine.

Oligomeric proanthocyanidins

Oligomeric proanthocyanidins (OPCs) are potent antioxidants that can be found in red wines and grapeseed extracts. Originally discovered in the 1950s by the French scientist Jack Masquelier, OPCs may be the basis of the so-called “French Paradox” which refers to the fact that although French cooking contains more saturated fats and cholesterol producing foods, the French are 2.5 times less likely to die of coronary artery disease and its complications. Several studies have shown that red wine contains more of the OPCs than white wine and that the alcohol content is not related to the benefits.


Quercetin has one of the highest antioxidant effects of any flavonoid and is most widely used in the prevention and treatment of allergies and asthma. It acts by strengthening the mast cell wall and thus inhibiting the release of histamine. Quercetin also inhibits the production of cyclooxygenase and leukotrienes. These substances can cause vasoconstriction and bronchoconstriction. Quercetin does not cause the CNS depressant effects that are usually produced by prescription and OTC antihistamines. Some products also contain other flavonoids, such as hesperidin and rutin, along with quercetin; this combination may induce a synergistic affect. The pineapple stem enzyme may also be included. This aids in absorption and produces an anti-inflammatory effect.


Soy contains two widely studied isoflavonoids, daidzein and genistein. These compounds are also referred to as phytoestrogens. Phytoestrogens are 1/400 the strength of human estrogen and act as agonists and antagonists. If circulating estrogen is high, these compounds bind to receptor cells and reduce the hormone’s action. Soy also acts to stimulate the receptor site if estrogen levels are low-as, for example, during menopause-and may, therefore, help control hot flashes. These isoflavonoids may also block the production of hormone-induced cancers such breast cancer, uterine cancer, and prostate cancer. Isoflavonoids may be obtained from eating soy products or by taking supplements. Sources of soy include tofu and soybeans.


  • Bilberry: 80 to 160 mg three times a day
  • Green tea: 6 to 10 cups, or 500 mg, a day
  • OPCs: based on 2mg/kg of body weight
  • Quercetin: 500 mg four times a day
  • Soy: 50 to 100 mg of soy supplement a day.


  • Bilberry: Because the herb may inhibit platelet aggregation, it may be unsuitable for those with a bleeding disorder. In addition, bilberry may have additive effects when used with the drug warfarin.
  • Green tea: Adverse effects include nervousness, insomnia, tachycardia, hyperacidity, GI irritation, decreased appetite, constipation, diarrhea, increased blood glucose and cholesterol levels, asthma, and allergic reactions. In addition, the caffeine in green tea may increase the stimulatory effects of ephedrine or any drug that acts as a stimulant. Administration with warfarin may lead to a decreased INR. Simultaneous use of green tea and iron supplementation reduce the absorption of iron. Green tea is contraindicated in breast-feeding patients, infants, and small children. Pregnant women should avoid or minimize use because of the caffeine. Patients with cardiovascular or renal disease, hyperthy roidism, spasms, and psychic disorders should use cautiously
  • OPCs: No adverse effects are associated with OPCs.
  • Quercetin: No adverse effects are associated with the use of quercetin. However, high doses may cause blood vessel dilation and blood thinning.
  • Soy: Adverse effects include gastrointestinal effects, such as stomach pain, loose stool, and diarrhea, asthma, and allergic reaction. In addition, soy may cause decreased absorption of calcium, iron, and zinc supplements. It may reduce the effects of estrogen, raloxifene, and tamoxifen. Patients hypersensitive to soy or soy-containing products shouldn’t use this product. High doses of soy protein may have harmful effects in women with breast cancer. Infants shouldn’t be fed soy-based formulas because of high isoflavone content. Inhalation of soy dust led to an asthma outbreak in 26 workers exposed to soy powder when unloading the product.

Clinical considerations

Since they are water-soluble compounds, flavonoid supplements may be administered with food if a patient is experiencing any type of gastrointestinal problems.

Research summary

The concepts behind the use of flavonoids and the claims made regarding their effects haven’t yet been validated scientifically.

Blood Pressure Diet

The importance of the right food

Proper diet and regular exercises can prevent blood pressure easily. Person suffering from high blood pressure should avoid high amount of sodium, saturated fats and alcohol intake. There are lots of nutrients that prevent high blood pressure. For example omega 3 fats, potassium, soluble fibers, garlic, magnesium, vitamin C etc.

Garlic has blood thinning and purifying properties so it lowers blood pressure significantly.

Fibers are present in oats, peas, beans, citrus fruits etc. they play a key role in reducing blood pressure and blood cholesterol.

Potassium again lowers blood pressure significantly. It is present in tomatoes, potatoes, beans etc.

The importance of the component of food

Magnesium widens the blood vessels and lowers and controls blood pressure. The best sources for magnesium are spinach, chocolate, almond, nuts, barley etc.

Vitamin C makes the blood vessels flexible thus they become wider and hence decreasing blood pressure. So vitamin C plays a vital role in blood pressure level maintenance. High doses of vitamin C are present in all the citrus fruits, oranges, cabbage, red peppers etc.

Fruits and vegetables are great source of energy, low calories, and significantly regulate blood pressure level and cholesterol. So blood pressure patients are advised to take lot of fruits and vegetables.

Alcohol directly raises blood pressure and thus damages the walls of blood vessels.

Too much of salt intake can again make high blood pressure even worse. Thus reduced sodium intake is strongly advised to blood pressure patients.

Saturated fats are very bad for blood vessels and heart as well.

Balanced high blood pressure diet should include moderate amount of fats and salts.

Monosaturated fats like olive oil etc are suggested to the blood pressure patients.they should opt for whole grains over white flour.

Regular exercise keeps arteries elastic, even in older people, thus ensures normal blood flow and blood pressure.

Change Your Eating Patterns: 8 Anti-Aging Diets

You are hitting 30 and thoughts about ageing signs on the skin, lowering energy levels, fluctuating moods and poor hair health might have started coiling around your mind. No matter how many trips to the salon you make and numerous facials and other external treatments you subject your skin to, the youth in your body is not just dependent on external factors. You are what you eat. This statement is true by all means, irrespective of how cliche it might sound. Studies have shown that the consumption of certain foods can actually help you fight the adverse effects of ageing.

Take a look at these diets to stay young and happy

1. Greens On your Plate

Dark green vegetables

Your body needs carotene and lots of vitamin A, B, especially biotin to remain firm and healthy. Load up on adequate amount of spinach, broccoli, lettuce, cabbage and different colored bell peppers. Green vegetables, especially the ones which are dark in color are rich in anti-oxidants and are a powerhouse if vitamins. So wither make interesting salad out them, boil them to a broth or just enjoy them by stir frying. Your meal would taste delicious and simultaneously your collagen would also get a boost!

2. Magical Herbal Tea

green tea

Green tea or herbal tea is another wonder beverage which helps your body in multiple ways. It slows down the ageing process by supplying the necessary anti-oxidants which help you stay younger and gives a healthy flush to your face. You could choose a flavor of your choice – lemon and honey, ginger and lemon, chamomile, jasmine and others and also make it into an iced tea if you do not like its state when hot. Mint tea is said to be especially powerful in curbing the stress of your mind and giving a natural radiance to the skin. To add to this, that paunch on your belly would whittle away before you know it!

3. Natural Vegetable Juices

Fruit juice

While fruits juices are not ideally recommended, the freshly squeezed vegetables make for a brilliant drink and also a wonderful mid meal snack option. Beetroot and carrot juices are said to increase the fertility in people, both males and females, give a boost to the hemoglobin level of your body and supply you with enough water that will stay inside your body. Have you ever witnessed the sages at the Himalayas? Their wrinkle free face and sparkling eyes are a result of drinking these vegetable juices only.

4. Adequate Omega 3

diet omega

Eat salmon, tuna, pomfret, olive oil and coconut oil to get your doze of omega 3 fatty acids. If you are not a non-veg eater, then you could take in cod liver oil capsules which are the best source of omega 3 supplements. They keep the bad cholesterol level down, lower the risk of heart failure and are effective in managing your blood pressure and blood sugar levels.

5. Power Proteins


After your thirties, the body’s metabolism slows down and the ability to build new cells start becoming sluggish. The nutrient which is the most important in the development of new cells is protein. Your work outs could get a lot more productive if you include sufficient fish, egg whites, low fat cheese, oats and horse grams in your diet. The energy level would drastically improve and the collagen of your skin which helps in keeping it firm would tighten up brilliantly.

6. Good Old Nuts


Nuts like Brazilian Nuts, almonds and walnuts are a powerhouse of Vitamin E and are rich in fiber as well. It gives your digestion a good exercise and increase the moisture level of the skin. Also, these healthy nuts prevent you from suffering cardiac diseases and control the tendency of depression. Studies have found out that eating nuts is an ideal way to prevent type 2 diabetes and melt away the unwanted fat which stubbornly gets accumulated after you hit thirty.

7. Digestive Yogurt


Yogurt is rich in probiotics which are considered to be very active in keeping your body young and disease free, not to mention they are good for your stomach, intestines and the entire digestive system. You could also use yogurt to clean your face externally as it makes for a wonderful and natural cleanser which enhances the complexion and glow of the skin.

8. Juicy Berries

juicy berries

Be it strawberry, blue berry, black berry, mulberry or the plain cherries; all of the berries are a rich source of vitamin C which is said to be the crucial nutrient to keep a disease free body and healthy gums and teeth. You surely do not wish to look like a crabby old woman who has no teeth to enjoy her meal or has a bleak smile because of sore gums!

Phenq Is The Most Reliable Weight Loss Solution You Can Find

Losing the extra layers of flab on body can be a daunting task for most obese persons. Obesity not only affects your looks adversely and leads to lower self esteem but it is also responsible for onset of serious ailments. You may become obese for various factors including genetics and lifestyle but finding the ideal weight loss solution is important. Do not go by the random weight loss diets for this as the result can be more harmful. Health experts recommend excising regularly but it may not be possible for you. So, you may try the weight loss pills. Even here, you need to choose cautiously. Not all weight loss pills bring expected results.

Why opt for Phenq?

You may wonder why picking Phenq over typical weight loss pills and supplement is good. This unique weight loss pill is way better than OTC products sold by various brands with tall claims. PhenQ is however made with powerful and selected ingredients that help lose weight sans any issues. It works at multiple levels to ensure the weight loss you achieve is lasting one. It is easy to sue and you just need to intake the pills as directed to achieve the results.

The pill helps burn fat stored in various parts of the body gradually- thus giving you toned and slimmer physique. It also helps control appetite and so you do not feel like eating when you are actually not hungry. It also thwarts fat storage in body.

What it is made of?

When you are about to try any pill or solution to lose weight, learning about the ingredients is essential. Phenq is made of naturally sourced ingredients. Each of these contributes to weight loss.

  • Capsimax powder – made with capsicum, niacin, caffeine and piperine help charge the body’s metabolism process.
  • Calcium carbonate- Calcium is good not only for teeth and bones! It is also required to maintain healthy body weight.
  • Chromium picolinate- This essential natural mineral is found mostly in wholegrains, vegetables and meat. It helps lower the blood-sugar levels in human body.
  • Caffeine- It helps reduce fatigue and acts as stimulant.
  • L-carnitine- This is one type of naturally occurring amino acid and it help burn fat.
  • Nopal- This cactus is rich in fiber and this helps you stay full for longer period.

[ Read: How Do Celebrities Keep Fit – Free Guide To Celebrity Diet ]

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This weight loss pills comes with a 60 day long money back policy. You can order it online and by placing bulk orders, you can save money too.

How Do Celebrities Keep Fit – Free Guide To Celebrity Diet

No doubt there are any numbers of bizarre diets which many dieticians claim to have perfected. Yet, when you look at celebrities with awesome bodies and high fitness levels, it appeals to you like none. There are many reasons that beckon calling celebrity fitness and celebrity fit club diet as celebrity diet secrets by their fanciers.

Well, What Does The Celebrity Diet Plan Involve?

The foremost thing in celebrity diet and fitness is sensible eating which calls for a strong resolution about your eating habits. This macrobiotic diet plan bans all dairy products meat, eggs, and coffee. Junk foods and cheese are a strict no-no. Dieticians recommend you a celebrity juice diet or celebrity diet pills in addition. Basically it consists of foods of high glycemic index (GI) which indicates how fast a food gets digested into glucose. The theory behind this is higher and faster the glucose release is quicker is insulin’s action and assimilation of glucose. This makes you hungry for food again fast.

Description of The Celebrity Diet Plan

Celebs are really fussy about what they eat. Most of them, especially women, swear by eating fresh and prepackaged foods don’t find a favor with them. In general it is less of fat and more of fresh high GI foods with little or no caffeine. Drinking of plain water assumes a lot of importance too as it helps to get whatever toxins in the blood out. Add a couple of citrus fruits to the routine to add a little extra vitamin C.

Foods That Are Prohibited And Included In The Celebrity Diet Secrets

There are certain food items that are included in the celebrity diet plan and some of them are exempted

Foods That Are Included In a Celebrity Diet Plan
  • Drinking lots of water prevents you from drinking coke or juice which instead adds calories.
  • You can increase wheat bread intake provided you watch out for its sugar content. Check for it on the packing.
  • An assorted vegetable salad augers perfectly well even with the celebrity fit club diet. If you like beans, beets, spinach, cukes, cauliflower or broccoli with raisins, nuts, peas, eggs, salami and olives, help yourself to a graceful serving. You can avoid dressing, however peanut butter is okay.
  • You can also include celebrity diet pills like Phen375 plus a celebrity juice diet to this routine.
Foods That Are Prohibited In a Celebrity Diet Plan
  • Meat is the first enemy of a fit and slim physique. Especially the red variety has lots of saturated fats which convert to cholesterol.
  • Sweets and potatoes add a lot of glucose to your body. Avoid them as long as you can not desist eating them.
  • Milk, milk products like cheese and butter are also prohibited by the celebrity diet and fitness regimen.
  • Coffee (caffeine) is one thing which must be avoided for its double edged onslaught to derail your fitness plan. In addition to caffeine, you will have avoided sugar also, if you control drinking coffee.
  • Alcohol and smoking should be strictly avoided.

The A-Z’s Of Zinc Deficiency

Zinc deficiency is common in the developing world today. Even in the United States, about 12 percent of the population, and perhaps as many as 40 percent of the elderly, are probably at risk for zinc deficiency. Other affected regions include South Asia (Bangladesh and India in particular), Africa, and the Western Pacific.

According to the Linus Pauling Institute, clinical zinc deficiency in humans was first described in 1961, when the consumption of diets with low zinc bioavailability due to high phytic acid content was connected with “adolescent nutritional dwarfism” in the Middle East. Since then, zinc insufficiency has been recognized by a number of experts as a significant public health issue.

There are many causes and many high-risk groups for zinc deficiency, including:

  • Pregnant and lactating mothers – Since a developing fetus requires higher amount of nutrition, the mother’s supply of zinc and other minerals become depleted. Similarly, there is also a generous amount of zinc lost through breastfeeding after giving birth.
  • Infants older than six months – Babies older than six months who are still exclusively breastfed are most likely deficient in zinc. This is because the zinc they get from breast milk is no longer sufficient to meet their nutritional needs. In this case, age-appropriate solid foods should be slowly introduced into their diet.

How Much Zinc Does Your Child Need?

It is important to understand that RDA refers to the daily average intake that is enough to meet the nutrient requirements of most healthy individuals.

The current recommended daily allowance (RDA) of zinc for children is 11 milligrams for adult men and eight milligrams for adult women. Lactating or pregnant women need about three milligrams more. Children need about five milligrams, while nine- to 13-year-olds need eight milligrams. Infants need only about three milligrams.

Nutrition – The Best Form of Zinc Supplement

Although there are many commercially available zinc supplements that you can conveniently give your child, you need to understand that this conventional approach to nutrients is oftentimes not the best to take. Taking zinc supplements indiscriminately is not advisable, especially for children due to risks of toxicity.

The thing to do is to simply increase foods rich in zinc and other beneficial minerals in your child’s diet.  Fortunately, improving your child’s zinc levels through food is not difficult, since there are many dietary sources. These include veal liver, grass-fed beef, crimini mushrooms, roasted pumpkin and squash seeds, chickpeas (garbanzos beans), and morel mushrooms.

How to Keep Zinc in Your Greens

Broccoli, spinach, and asparagus are among the many vegetables that are high not only in zinc, but other essential nutrients as well.  However, according to experts, zinc is better absorbed from animal sources than plant sources. This is because the way you cook, store, process, or prepare food plays an important role in maintaining vegetables’ nutritional value.

To keep your vegetables in their best shape, follow these techniques:

  • Steaming – When steaming vegetables, use a steamer and do not use a lot of water. A half cup of water is all you need. It would be best to bring the water to a boil before putting your greens in. This way, nutrient or mineral loss is minimized. Steam your vegetables for about five to 10 minutes. Do not overcook. You can also save the water used in steaming for future soups and stocks.
  • Blanching – In blanching you have to boil your greens briefly, chill them in ice-cold water, and then drain. This easy cooking technique stops the cooking process to prevent sogginess. It’s also a good way to keep your vegetables’ color, texture, flavor, and nutritional value.
  • Juicing – Studies suggest that nutrients are more bioavailable and easily consumed in beneficial quantities when vegetables are juiced. Juice vegetables with your kids and turn it into a fun bonding activity. Since kids are attracted to colors, carrots, broccoli, and spinach will surely make good starters. You can use honey or yogurt to make the taste more appealing to them, too.
  • Eating veggies raw – Teach your kids to eat their vegetables raw. Pair these raw vegetables with delicious but nutritious dips made with creamy kefir and yogurt that your kids will surely love. Serve carrots, cucumbers, and zucchini slices during snack time.

Note: Frying, grilling, or roasting vegetables are the worst ways to cook vegetables, because they involve high heat, which destroys most of the nutrients.

Additional tips:

  • Keep vegetables refrigerated until use to slow down nutrient degradation.
  • Put chopped or juiced vegetables in secured airtight containers to prevent oxygen exposure from destroying vitamins.
  • Choose only organic and pesticide-free vegetables from trusted sources.






Arrianne Nellaine Hernandez is a writer for Mercola.com. She has written health and fitness content and has also transcribed many in-depth interviews with several natural health experts.  Arrianne is currently writing and researching about the most common nutritional and mineral deficiencies in kids today like zinc deficiency.

8 Vitamins & Supplements To Help Lift Your Mood & Your Relationship

This time of year can be tough for even the brightest of souls. The days are getting shorter, the mornings colder and our immune systems are taking a battering from a multitude of office viruses!  Faced with the prospect of another endless UK winter, it can be hard to stay positive. And, as the grey days roll into weeks, it’s those closest to us who are most likely to get the brunt of our bad mood (and us of theirs)!


Are the autumn blues in danger of affecting your relationship?

Here are some top supplement recommendations to give your relationship a much needed boost through the coming months. Especially important if you’re not lucky enough to be escaping abroad for some winter sun & romance…

1)    5HTP – our bodies use 5-HTP to make serotonin, known as the “happy hormone” because it greatly influences our overall sense of well-being. Serotonin helps to regulate mood, relieve depression and help sleep. Low serotonin levels have been associated with low mood, anxiety, carbohydrate cravings and low sex drive.

2)    B vitamin complex – we need the B vitamins for energy production in every cell of our body. Not only this but low levels of vitamins B6, B12 and folic acid have shown to be a predictor of low mood -. The B vitamins all work in cooperation with each other, so best taken in a complex form.

3)   CoQ10 – 95% of our body’s energy demands requires the aid of CoQ10. It can be thought of as the body’s spark plug- just as a car can’t run without that initial spark; the human body doesn’t get going without CoQ10!

4)    Vitamin C – one of the biggest challenges through the winter months is to keep the immune systems in tip top condition. If you’re full of a cold, romance is going to be just about the last thing on your mind!  As a powerful antioxidant, vitamin C is the ultimate immune booster.

5)    Magnesium – sometimes referred to as “nature’s tranquillizer” some research has suggested that this calming mineral can aid relaxation & sleep and may help you to avoid those hot-headed, tired arguments at the end of the day!

6)    Zinc – not only is zinc important for mood and mental health, it is also the ultimate, ahem, sex mineral. Yes, known to be a libido-booster, zinc may just recharge your sex drive! It’s one reason why oysters- which are high in zinc-have long been considered a powerful aphrodisiac. And an extra piece of good news for the boys…zinc has been shown to increase sperm motility.  .

7)    Vitamin D – “the sunshine vitamin”, a large majority of people in the UK are lacking in, as many as 90% in fact according to recent reports – And this is not good news for our mood and well-being.  At least one study has reported benefits from vitamin D in treating seasonal affective disorder (SAD), a form of depression that occurs during the winter months.

8)    Omega-3 fatty acids – quite simply these are the building blocks of a happy brain! A study reported in Psychology Today found that that after a daily dose of the omega-3 EPA, a group of patients with stubborn depression reported a 50% reduction in their symptoms, particularly feelings of sadness, poor sleep and low libido

And don’t forget, with winter comes also cosy nights in, roaring fires, red wine & ahem… reason for an early night?!

Naomi Mead is a nutritional therapy’s at Food First, a London based nutritionist consultancy, and contributes to Healthspan’s Nutrition Expert site. She has a particular interest in the areas of weight management, female health, sports nutrition, and digestive disorders.  If you would like to follow Naomi you can follow her on Twitter or read her other expert articles on Nutrition Expert from Healthspan.

Smart Diet to Protect Ageing Eyes

As you age you start noticing certain changes in your vision. Sometimes age brings certain change that weakens your eyes. The most common problems of vision starts after you turn 40; you find it difficult to read and to do close concentration requiring tasks. Newspaper prints, or a menu card in the restaurant seems very difficult to read. You might require glasses to read and you might find it difficult to view in a normal glare.


But one should not get disappointed as these changes cannot stop you from enjoying the life or from maintaining your independent lifestyle.  But it is true that as you age you are at a higher risk of getting or developing age associated eye problems.

A number of common eye diseases or problems that may arise as you age are as follows:

  • Cataract
  • Glaucoma
  • Low vision
  • Presbyopia
  • Diabetic eye disease
  • Dry eyes
  • Floaters or tiny spots or sparks that you see when you move your eyes
  • Tearing
  • Conjunctivitis
  • Corneal disease etc.

There are a number of warning signs that you must keep in check like fluctuating visions, floaters and flashes, seeing distorted images and headache etc. along with this certain lifestyle changes and dietary changes can also help you boost your eye health and prevent permanent vision loss.

Healthy diet for eyes:

  1. Take a good amount of protein diet: eggs, nuts, beans, and other non-meat protein sources are good for those who don’t eat fish or meat. Fishes like tuna, salmon and other oily fishes are good source of natural proteins. Green leafy vegetables like kale, spinach, broccoli are full of lutein which a powerful antioxidant that helps to protect against age related cataract. Sweet corn, peas also contain large amount of eye protecting antioxidants.
  2. Lower down the sodium intake: high amount of sodium in diet increases the risk of cataract in the ageing people. Instead one can choose fresh foods over high sodium high calorie crispy snacks. Try to limit the sodium intake to 2000mg a day.
  3. Drink lots of water and remain hydrated: drinking large amount of water or other non-aerated drinks like fruit juices, vegetable juices and herbal tea is good for eyes and also protect from the dry eye irritation or dry eyes.
  4. Eat cereals and grains: choosing 100 percent whole grains bread over sugars and refined white flour may decrease the risk of age related eye problems.
  5. Include vitamins like vitamin: A to your diet: orange colored fruits and vegetables like oranges, pumpkin, squash and carrots are enriched with beta-carotene. Beta carotene (provide orange color to these foods) is converted in vitamin A in our body. Vitamin A is good for our eyes and immune system.

Foods For Reducing Anxiety

Everyone of us experiences anxiousness for several reasons. For some, it may be work-related such as an impending due date for a presentation, or school-related like an unannounced graded pop-quiz. Whatever the reason may be, being anxious is never a good feeling. It’s an unpleasant state of inner turmoil and nervous behavior accompanied with the feeling of dread over something unlikely to happen. Most of the time our responses to certain situations are reasonable, and thus prepare us to cope with stress or danger. However, it may also come out as an exaggerated response that could hinder our daily life.

There are many methods in overcoming anxiety. They include the use of medication, behavioral therapies and changes in diet and lifestyle. Living in a world where people take medication for just about anything seems to be the go-to solution for almost everyone. Medication can be very useful if used appropriately, however, it can also lead to long-term dependency and may even cause unpleasant side-effects.


Changing your diet and lifestyle may not be the easiest, but it’s the safest way to relieve anxiety and stress. There are foods that help reduce anxiety, but there are also some that may even contribute to its aggravation. Examples of these are fried foods, unrefined sugars and alcoholic beverages. Below are some of the foods that improve happiness and reduce stress that triggers anxiety.


  • Avocados – consists of stress-relieving B vitamins, which promote healthy nerves and cells. Avocados are also high in monounsaturated fat and potassium, which lower blood pressure.
  • Acai Berries – these newly acclaimed superfoods are rich in phytonutrients and antioxidants.
  • Blueberries – considered also as a superfood rich in vitamins and phytonutrients, and is considered beneficial in relieving stress.
  • Peaches – contains nutrients that have a sedation (calming) effect
  • Oranges – is rich in vitamin C, which lowers blood pressure and the stress hormone known as cortisol.


Dark green vegetables

  • Asparagus – this boosts the mood with it’s special ingredient- folic acids.
  • Spinach – has magnesium that regulates cortisol levels, resulting in a comforting effect and reduced bloating..

Whole Grain Foods

Whole grain foods — like brown rice, whole wheat breads and pastas — are the best sources of carbohydrates, which are responsible for increasing serotonin production in the brain. Whole grains take longer for the body to break down, making the calming effect lasts longer. Researchers from Lund University in Sweden have found that eating whole grains at breakfast can keep blood sugar level stable for 10-hours, leading to improvement in concentration and memory.



These underrated nuts contain zinc, which is a key ingredient in maintaining a balance mood. Almonds are also packed with magnesium, which help convert carbohydrates, protein, and fat into energy, leaving you stronger and energetic.


Chocolate is also a great food in lessening anxiety and stress. It has a mild temporary stimulating effect, because of the emotional response it invokes, as well as the mild caffeine it contains. With the added sugar content, it triggers the feel-good hormone serotonin, and the fat and phenylethylamine it contains leads to endorphin release, which leads to a feel-good sensation.


Seaweed has the same benefits found in whole grains. This is a good alternative for those individuals who are gluten-sensitive. Aside from being rich with nutrients, it also has a high magnesium content, which lowers high blood pressure. It also has tryptophan, which is converted to serotonin upon entering the bloodstream. This helps elevate moods, calming the mind and promotes a healthy sleep cycle.


A diet rich with omega-3 fatty acids helps cortisol and adrenaline to normalize when you’re feeling tense. Based on a study from the Ohio State University, taking just 12 to 15-ounces of salmon can reduce anxiety and stress by more than 20%. It is advisable to include foods high in omega-3 fatty acids to reduce anxiety level.


Some researchers believe that tryptophan, found in turkey, has a positive effect on stress. It helps the brain to produce feel-good chemicals that lessen anxiety. Tryptophan, which turns into serotonin once it enters the bloodstream, is a neurotransmitter that triggers the feeling of calmness, making our brains work faster and be more effective in handling complex mental problems.


Milk is a time-tested remedy for insomnia and fidgetiness. Milk is high in antioxidants, vitamin B2 and B12, as well as calcium and protein. Whey, the protein found in milk, provides a calming effect by means of lowering blood pressure, while potassium helps relieve muscle spasms triggered by anxiety.

David Novak’s byline has appeared in newspapers and magazines around the world.  He’s an avid health enthusiast, and frequently is featured in regional and national health publications. He specializes in health, wellness, diet and exercise, and he is also a weekly writer for Healthline.